Use "outcasts" in a sentence

1. Hundreds of victims go unnoticed because they're social outcasts

2. Bryony, a mouse character in Brian Jacques' "The Outcasts of Redwall".

3. Jealous of the professionalism they find here, these outcasts rant and rave in frustration.

4. A assemble of broad edifice outcasts intend punish on the students that chafe them.

5. 10 The sick too flocked to Jesus, although they were often treated as outcasts by the religious leaders.

6. Middle English Abjectioun "humbleness, abject state, outcasts," borrowed from Anglo-French or Late Latin; Anglo-French abjeccioun "rejection, outcasts," borrowed from Late Latin abjectiōn-, abjectiō "casting away, rejection, humbled condition, humbleness…

7. 9 When the disobedient angels returned to heaven, they were treated as outcasts, like their ruler, Satan.

8. He completely disregarded strictly enforced social conventions and religious restrictions in order to contact the outcasts of society.

9. Deprivation indicator scores are high and it is reputed to be a seedy haven for criminals and outcasts.

10. Great plans are afoot to ban smoking in public places, resulting in smokers soon becoming complete outcasts in society.

11. Tartarus is not a particular location; it is a prisonlike, abased condition that limits the activity of these outcasts.

12. Bigs and his comrades bear a hatred towards mankind, both for creating them and leaving them aloof as outcasts of society

13. Banished revolves around the player guiding citizens of a remote community of outcasts to grow and maintain a settlement through a command economy.

14. For decades, this Coruscating city of hills, bordered by water on three sides, was a beloved haven for reinvention, a refuge for immigrants, bohemians, artists and outcasts

15. Aelementor (Spirits of the Mountain • Spirits of the Wind) • Eidolon • Spite • Sylvaneth (Branchling • Forest Folk • Noble Spirits • Free Spirits • Outcasts) Undead: Malignant • Mordant • Reanimant • Skeleton • Vampire • Zombie: Daemons

16. As Finance Minister in 1871, Ōkubo enacted a Land Tax Reform, the Haitōrei Edict, which prohibited samurai from wearing swords in public, and ended official discrimination against the outcasts.

17. With no memory of your past, you wake up on the starship, Andromeda Six, surrounded by its crew of outcasts, each with their own vivid backstory and one common goal.

18. Antagonized Lyrics: We don't comply to normal standards / Nonconform and freedom-loving outcasts / We've turned away, we won't betray! / A haven for the seekers, a shelter for the renegades / Nowhere

19. Left to themselves, men of decent lives holding aloof from them, their only friends or companions were found among those who, like themselves, were outcasts.” —“Cyclopædia” by M’Clintock and Strong, Vol.

20. From the WebMD Archives March 25, 2010 -- Class Bullies are often thought of as outcasts whose actions lead to rejection by their peers, but new research shows that many are actually popular kids

21. Aranna and the outcasts take the fight to the Rusted Legion!See this card on Hearthpwn Gok'Amok is the first boss encounter in Chapter 4: Battle for Outland of Trial by Felfire Story

22. From the mind of Brian David-Marshall and Brett Weldele, The Craptacular B-Sides was a three-issue miniseries that followed a group of outcasts as they try to become their town’s super team.

23. The Byronic hero is a character type often associated with the English Romantic poet Lord Byron, but with roots extending back to Hamlet.Byronic heroes are arrogant, intelligent, educated outcasts, who somehow balance their cynicism and self-destructive tendencies with a mysterious magnetism and attraction, particularly for heroines.

24. ‘The Bindlestiffs of that era had a very strong network and used their unified power to demand fair wages and social treatment.’ ‘From their own point of view, the critics were right: Rhode Island was a cesspool of malcontents, outcasts, Bindlestiffs and religious …