Use "out of bed" in a sentence

1. Breakfast out of bed.

2. 20 She leapt out of bed.

3. 29 He leapt out of bed.

4. We rousted him out of bed.

5. He got out of bed stiffly.

6. Get out of bed , you idle slob!

7. I could barely get out of bed.

8. 3 Max stumbled out of bed sleepily.

9. Get out of bed, you fat slob!

10. I managed to drag myself out of bed.

11. I woke up and got out of bed.

12. He finally rolled out of bed at noon.

13. 6 Tom sprung out of bed and ran downstairs.

14. (b) If you get the householder out of bed?

15. 23 I woke up and got out of bed.

16. She didn't get out of bed till lunchtime today.

17. Nick rolled out of bed and took a shower.

18. I'm in the midst of getting out of bed.

19. He felt too lazy to get out of bed.

20. When he heard the alarm he Catapulted out of bed.

21. He flung back the duvet and got out of bed.

22. 15 He felt too lazy to get out of bed.

23. 2 He felt too lazy to get out of bed.

24. He threw back the bedclothes and jumped out of bed.

25. 10 Move over a bit, I'm falling out of bed.

26. By this time he'd managed to struggle out of bed.

27. 7 He felt too lazy to get out of bed.

28. He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings.

29. I Crawled out of bed and trudged down to the kitchen

30. For some Bedridden patients, getting out of bed is not possible.

31. I couldn't even summon the energy to get out of bed.

32. I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed.

33. He was routed out of bed by the doorbell at daybreak.

34. Honestly, lies are sometimes the only reason I get out of bed.

35. At such times it is almost impossible to get out of bed.

36. What are you doing out of bed - you're supposed to be asleep.

37. 13 He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings.

38. I dragged myself wearily out of bed at five o'clock this morning.

39. Still in your pyjamas? Have you just got out of bed then?

40. He tried to summon the will power to get out of bed.

41. 23 He was routed out of bed by the doorbell at daybreak.

42. Honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours.

43. She slid out of bed and sat on the edge of his cot.

44. She swung her legs out of bed and reached for her dressing gown.

45. Julia woke at the sound, stretched herself luxuriously, and got out of bed.

46. Days with these fine gentlemen is what I get out of bed for.

47. Too ill to get out of bed , she had strong feelings of uselessness.

48. A second slab of beef has crawled out of bed and found his doorknob.

49. Today, orthopedic surgeons aim to get people out of bed as quickly as possible.

50. 15 Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.

51. She got out of bed, slipped on her dressing gown and tiptoed to the window.

52. I thought that all Americans get out of bed early to eat a big breakfast.

53. Joan told me afterward that I attempted to lunge out of bed and attack Feeley.

54. In 1982, I reached the point where I could no longer get out of bed.

55. Allow a few minutes for the snack to digest , then get out of bed slowly .

56. He often got me out of bed, late on an evening, to run an errand.

57. Advise about doing something The nurse will Advise about getting out of bed, bathing, and diet

58. Getting out of bed in the morning involves stress, as does watching an exciting ball game.

59. A little fitfully sometimes. This morning, I felt too sick to even get out of bed.

60. She climbed wearily out of bed, consoling herself that her physical injuries, at least, were healing fast.

61. Addictions do come in handy sometimes: at least you have to get out of bed for them.

62. The doctor said that she ought to be out of bed in time to have her Christmas dinner.

63. I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot.

64. She sprang out of bed and accomplished the two ablutions of soul and body, her prayers and her toilet.

65. To step out of bed on to the cold lino, and to begin dressing and shivering, took considerable courage.

66. He got out of bed and fell to his knees on a floor that felt like an ice rink.

67. The thought stimulated her into springing out of bed, showering hastily, and dressing in her warm green trousers and top.

68. Adjective Someone who is Bedridden is so ill or has such a severe disability that they cannot get out of bed

69. I steal out of bed and creep stealthily to the main room for an unimpeded look at the row of windows.

70. Even those with slight infirmities can be warmly encouraged to “get out of bed and dress properly each day,” remarks Ursula.

71. I make one's way noiselessly to open the door to go out, heard she was wary of got out of bed.

72. The girls exchanged nervous glances, thinking that it must be Miss Hardbroom come to reprimand them for being out of bed.

73. It was nerve-racking, having him watch her as she slid her feet out of bed, and pushed them into soft mules.

74. The children can also become antagonistic towards the parents and refuse to get out of bed or to go to the lavatory.

75. The goal was to make sure that every addict in Portugal had something to get out of bed for in the morning.

76. “Cel gives our kids with disabilities a reason to get out of bed in the morning by giving their day meaning and purpose

77. Since I was on the fourth floor, I got out of bed and felt my way along the wall, trying to find the window.

78. Bedpans are exceptionally useful devices for people that are bedbound or those that struggle to get out of bed in the middle of the night

79. Purpose is that power that will propel you to get out of bed each morning and push you to make your dream come true. RVM 

80. A Bedpan is a shallow bowl shaped like a toilet seat, which is used instead of a toilet by people who are too ill to get out of bed.