Use "ototoxic" in a sentence

1. However, there are some ototoxic drugs known to Cause more permanent tinnitus symptoms

2. The influence of ototoxic agents and anoxia upon the amplitude of these action potentials was studied.

3. This ototoxic side effect of ASS is characterized by a decrease in spontaneous and evoked otoacoustic emissions.

4. In the mammalian Auditory system, sensory cell loss resulting from aging, ototoxic drugs, infections, overstimulation and other causes is irreversible and leads to permanent sensorineural hearing loss

5. The tinnitus to be prevented and/or treated may be provoked by acoustic trauma, presbycusis, ischemia, anoxia, treatment with one or more ototoxic medications, sudden deafness, or other cochlear excitotoxic-inducing occurrence.

6. Cinchonism - See: Deafness, ototoxic; correct substance properly administered - See: Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect; overdose or wrong substance given or taken - See: Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning; Previous Term: Cinca Chronic Infantile Neurological Cutaneous And Articular Syndrome.