Use "ostracized" in a sentence

1. He was ostracized by the society.

2. He was ostracized by the other students.

3. She found herself ostracized by erstwhile friends.

4. His client is broke, Baker said, and ostracized.

5. After her arrest, Lang was ostracized by her neighbors.

6. The princess was ostracized for marrying a rich bourgeois.

7. He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.

8. His colleagues ostracized him after he criticized the company in public.

9. Most lagging addicts quickly fall in line to avoid being ostracized.

10. But it was too late to save Thernistokles; in 471 he was ostracized.

11. The +Anima dwell amongst ordinary humans but are ostracized, hated, and enslaved

12. He had committed crimes so appalling that even other prisoners ostracized him.

13. She claims she's being ostracized by some members of her local community.

14. He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.

15. Those who cannot or will not conform are seen as "Bothersome" and nigh ostracized

16. Many young people are unwilling to admit that they are gay because they fear being ostracized.

17. There were always some farmers who refused and ostracized the movement in the period of collectivization.

18. Free riders may be ostracized because their colleagues can easily detect uncooperative attitudes to the company.

19. Two years, I was ostracized, I was stigmatized, I was isolated, because I was a victim.

20. Agboola was ostracized by some of his friends and relatives when he shunned customs associated with spiritism.

21. Ben will have to be told that if he takes his baby doll outside he will be ostracized.

22. The ill are no longer ostracized as moral pariahs except by a few remaining primitive tribes ruled by superstition.

23. Albinos are ostracized by their own families – especially in Black families where the difference in skin color is more distinct

24. However, the union of these two highly distinct cultures caused Arien to be initially ostracized from conventional Shinobi and Samurai education systems.

25. I was not actually ostracized, but most of my family and former friends were cool toward me, to say the least.

26. Due to the destructive, and some times uncontrollable, nature of the Burnish's abilities, they are widely ostracized and persecuted by mainstream society.

27. Aristodemus went home and found himself ostracized,( a national villain until he expiated his disgrace by dying a hero at Plataea.

28. They feared being ostracized which could lead to ejection from the group and very likely death from an animal predator or enemy human group

29. The only black laborer on the ranch, Crooks the stable hand is a sensitive but “aloof” man who is ostracized due to his race

30. You have been rejected and ostracized by father and mother, brothers and sisters as you accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and entered into His covenant.

31. In the weeks following King Edward VIII's Abdication, Wallis Simpson was simultaneously ostracized by society and hounded by the press—even in France, where she had decamped to …

32. Genius Belabored is the fascinating story of Ignaz Semmelweis, a nineteenth-century obstetrician ostracized for his strident advocacy of disinfection as a way to prevent childbed fever, a leading cause of mortality in new mothers

33. Generated by our own fears and worries of what others think of us and by social expectations, social Awkwardness can prevent us from fully interacting with others out of fear of being ridiculed or even ostracized by our peers.