Use "osteomalacia" in a sentence

1. Oncogenic osteomalacia -- hypophosphataemic spectrum from "Benignancy" to "malignancy" Bone

2. Avitaminosis D: An obsolete term for: (1) Osteomalacia; (2) Rickets.

3. Adequate vitamin D prevents the development of bone diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

4. It is characterized by decreased serum phosphate, renal phosphate wasting, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and osteomalacia.

5. A lack of Calcium could lead to a condition called rickets in children, and osteomalacia or osteoporosis in later life

6. Alkaline phosphatase (AP) is typically elevated in osteomalacia while serum phosphate and/or 25-OH vitamin D3 levels are reduced.