Use "orthodoxy" in a sentence

1. Andrew's own orthodoxy was never impugned.

2. Academicisms Orthodoxy of a scholastic variety

3. Challenging the orthodoxy of insulin resistance.

4. Academicisms Orthodoxy of a scholastic variety

5. She is a strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy.

6. Prevalent conservation orthodoxy advocates protection through production.

7. Students are encouraged to challenge orthodoxy, to be critical.

8. He challenged the political orthodoxy of his time.

9. But it failed to stem the growth of Modern Orthodoxy.

10. 20 She is a strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy.

11. Nor has the return to political orthodoxy reduced corruption.

12. They are displayed annually on the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

13. What was once a novel approach had become orthodoxy.

14. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.

15. These ideas have now become part of educational orthodoxy.

16. Antonym: nonConformism (a lack of orthodoxy in thoughts or beliefs)

17. Imaginations fettered by today's highly successful orthodoxy will break free.

18. Orthodoxy, by its very nature, disapproves of tampering with tradition.

19. Implication : liberalism, neo - orthodoxy and neo - evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.

20. How all-pervasive is the orthodoxy of right-thinking people.

21. Fry opposed the penal reformers' prevailing orthodoxy of solitary confinement.

22. There was a direct intimate connexion between chastity and political orthodoxy.

23. His orthodoxy began to be seriously questioned by his parish priest.

24. In Angora Weekly: ′′ I converted to Orthodoxy thanks to my wife

25. Equally, revisionist conclusions conflict with many of the central tenets of Soviet orthodoxy.

26. The current economic orthodoxy is of a free market and unregulated trade.

27. Besht Dresden assists young Jews from around the world who left orthodoxy

28. 7 The current economic orthodoxy is of a free market and unregulated trade.

29. Nevertheless, Orthodoxy provided a real haven for faithful Christians right throughout this period.

30. The young magistrate had embraced orthodoxy with the fervour of a recent convert.

31. The papacy, to maintain orthodoxy, placed restrictions on which universities could teach theology.

32. Western church refers to Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, the branch of Christian.

33. Sniping between the forces of liberalism and orthodoxy showed no signs of letting up.

34. Orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Familiarity information: Academism used as a noun is very rare.

35. Orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Familiarity information: Academicism used as a noun is very rare.

36. Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality, in Russian history, slogan created in 1832 by Count Sergey S

37. Evangelical scholars have Athetized them for over a century without disturbing one iota of orthodoxy.

38. Orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional Familiarity information: Conventionality used as a noun is uncommon.

39. Orthodoxy and national identity were inextricably intertwined, and religious leaders became the spokesmen of national revolt.

40. 9 We are not obliged to sound the Bishop of D ---- on the score of orthodoxy.

41. Archimandrite Sergius, originally from California is a convert to Holy Orthodoxy and a graduate of St

42. What does Aurangzeb mean? Hindustani emperor (1658–1707) who imposed Muslim orthodoxy and expanded the empire.

43. The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression.

44. 23 Through such thought and writing the spirit of Dicey was fashioned into orthodoxy in public law.

45. Hypernyms ("Conformism" is a kind of): orthodoxy (a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards)

46. The most contentious issue in American archaeology is the so-called Clovis orthodoxy or Clovis-first theory

47. This new sort of avant-garde promotes, not heterodoxy and modernist autonomization, but orthodoxy and dis-autonomization.

48. The Feast of the Annunciation is observed almost universally throughout Christianity, especially within Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

49. An official orthodoxy based on Neo-Confucian doctrines emphasized the preservation of order and maintenance of social hierarchy.

50. Civil was Acrimoniously disputing the orthodoxy of this visiting brother's intention to sing this from the pulpit at the

51. Synonyms for Conventionality include orthodoxy, conservatism, conformism, predictability, traditionalism, conformity, toeing the line, compliance, playing the game and groupthink

52. Synonyms for Conformism include compliance, conformity, conventionality, orthodoxy, toeing the line, traditionalism, conservatism, playing the game, predictability and groupthink

53. Government adhered to the prevailing orthodoxy that balanced budgets were necessary and desirable and that deficit financing was neither.

54. "limousine Liberal Orthodoxy, Bigoted connotations, bigots, dog whistle, Emails, hate groups, premeditated act, protests, racist overtones, Ridgewood schools

55. These post-ideological times are rough on an avant-garde that always needed an orthodoxy against which to kick.

56. Nor, as 'some' Orthodox use it, a means to 'Byzantinize' converts to Orthodoxy! The Western Rite IS Orthodoxy! And therefore it has *always been* totally within the saving enclosure of right-believing Orthodox Christianity, practiced as it was in Britain, centuries before Russia even heard of the Christian Faith!

57. The main religions of Croatia are Roman Catholicism 86.28%, Eastern Orthodoxy 4.44%, Protestantism 0.34%, other Christianity 0.30%, and Islam 1.47%.

58. The inculcation of political orthodoxy and instruction of a more coercive nature was left strictly in the hands of the Party.

59. In 1833, Minister of Education Sergey Uvarov devised a program of "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality" as the guiding principle of the national education.

60. Gradually, the term "Apocrypha" took on a disparaging connotation, since the orthodoxy of these hidden books was often questionable.

61. Academism: 1 n orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Synonyms: academicism , scholasticism Type of: traditionalism , traditionality strict adherence to traditional methods or teachings

62. Academicism: 1 n orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Synonyms: academism , scholasticism Type of: traditionalism , traditionality strict adherence to traditional methods or teachings

63. With the temporary passing of the Arab threat, Constantine turned his attention to the Church, which was torn between Monothelitism and Orthodoxy.

64. While Bourdieu's self-deprecatory claims to priesthood and orthodoxy turn out to be a cover for a very avant-garde sociology of culture.

65. 18 Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian, but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant .

66. The lines between culture and dogma are so blended in Orthodoxy that what it means to "sanctify" culture is to Byzantinize it

67. The result is an establishment comprising Apparatchiks, men (mainly) who have spent their entire professional lives in an environment where repeating approved orthodoxy guarantees an …

68. However, the accepted foreign policy orthodoxy in China is that the United States is a hegemonic power that aggressively pursues its own interests at others' expense.

69. Current orthodoxy considers the proliferation of Architraval inscriptions naming the donors of architectural dedications in the middle of the 4th century a striking departure from Greek practice

70. Current orthodoxy considers the proliferation of Architraval inscriptions naming the donors of architectural dedications in the middle of the 4th century a striking departure from Greek practice

71. So in order to attack the missionaries’ theology as well as to justify their liberalist theology, both Kim and Rhee profoundly accepted the Barthian triumph frame: the Reformed Orthodoxy of the 17 th and 18 th centuries was defeated by the liberalism of the 19 th century, which was, in turn, overcome by the Barthian Neo-Orthodoxy of the 20 th

72. ‘Today, Islam is the second largest religion, after Russian Orthodoxy, with at least 19 million practitioners, and among ethnic minorities most Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Chechens, and Avars, are Sunni Muslim.’

73. Any Chrismation service written in our modern days and intended for those who desire to enter Holy Orthodoxy is an innovation, and was unknown by the Holy Fathers of the Church

74. Ambo (liturgy) or Ambon, in Eastern orthodoxy the elevated area in front of the Iconostasis Ambo, a pulpit or lectern in a church sanctuary (the official term for Catholic pulpits)

75. (Note: See Academicisms for more definitions.) Quick definitions from WordNet (academicism) noun: orthodoxy of a scholastic variety Also see Academicisms Words similar to academicism Usage examples for academicism Popular adjectives describing academicism

76. Clearly, the combined effects of Orthodoxy and communism have proved particularly noxious, whereas close contact with the West has quite rapidly ameliorated some of the negative effects of the Orthodox tradition in Greece.

77. Conspire 2021 will be a capstone experience uniting Richard Rohr’s seven themes of alternative orthodoxy to create a gateway into practical and authentic contemplation—a way of life rooted in radical openness to God’s loving presence.

78. Maxwell argues that the prevailing view of the relation between scientific theory and evidence is untenable; he calls for a new orthodoxy that sees science as making a hierarchy of assumptions about the Comprehensibility of the universe.

79. The notion that requiring students to know and master orthodoxy stifles their lovely creativity is the kind of Arrant nonsense I hear from my teenagers all the time and really just because they want to avoid work

80. His predilection for Plato and other pagan (often Neoplatonic) philosophers led to doubts about the orthodoxy of his faith among some of his contemporaries, and at one point he was forced to make a public profession of faith in his defense.