Use "oriantation-reversing" in a sentence

1. Reversing alarm lamps

2. Reversing the heaven and earth.

3. A method of reversing thymic atrophy

4. 4 Caution! This truck is reversing.

5. Practise reversing the car into the garage.

6. The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

7. Reversing this sleep debt is a complex challenge.

8. 5 Reversing the brain drain could take time.

9. 5 her car into a tree while reversing.

10. The enzyme replacement protocol is working, reversing the A.L.S.

11. 2 The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

12. Reversing Birt Hogg Dube Syndrome: Testimonials for Hope

13. AV input, with GPS and reversing camera linking.

14. 11 The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

15. 1 Practise reversing the car into the garage.

16. I have failed in isolating and reversing the mutations.

17. 10 Here too there are reasons for reversing the priority.

18. 9 Tyler had been charged with reversing this trend.

19. 3 They talked of reversing the tide of history.

20. I'm reversing the spell I cast on you, mate.

21. Drive down to where I am, then start reversing.

22. Reversing his previous stance, he backed a balanced budget.

23. 8 Reversing his previous stance, he backed a balanced budget.

24. 19 Parts and accessories sales declined sharply, reversing an earlier trend.

25. 7 Drive down to where I am,[] then start reversing.

26. Octopus Autopilot Pump Type 1 Adjustable Reversing 12V Up to 18 C

27. Astern is a term referring to a boat’s moving backward (reversing)

28. 11 There are, I suppose, two simple rules about reversing out.

29. 14 As the boat is reversing steadily, Grant gives it full throttle forward.

30. 25 As the boat is reversing steadily, Grant gives it full throttle forward.

31. 13 He believes reversing moves on steep rock is an excellent training device.

32. The vehicle has two thumb-operated levers for accelerating, braking and reversing.

33. D-amino acid oxidase inhibitor for preventing and/or reversing opioid tolerance

34. 21 He stepped without looking into the path of a reversing car.

35. 27 Then we may have some hope of preventing, retarding or reversing the changes.

36. 12 If it doesn't work then try reversing the cable on the interface card.

37. It was widely interpreted as a trial balloon aimed at reversing the administration's policy.

38. 27 Why even think about reversing aging until we can greatly retard it?

39. But any speaker can be converted to a crude microphone by reversing polarity.

40. If it doesn't work then try reversing the cable on the interface card.

41. The conference was misleadingly regarded as a success and as reversing the trend in relations.

42. Given this, the Commission should monitor the progress Achieved with this Proposal in reversing

43. Repair, maintenance, fitting and installation of reversing alarms for vehicles and emergency vehicle sirens and horns

44. For employees leaving the system, vacation leave credits will be adjusted by reversing the factor.

45. Backwashing a pool simply means reversing the direction of water flow inside the filtration tank

46. For employees leaving the system, sick leave credits will be adjusted by reversing the factor.

47. The sceptical economist peter Bauer did a simple calculation, reversing the World Bank's growth-rate.

48. 24 The Prague linguists' approach explains it in terms of reversing the theme-rheme sequence.

49. It works by reversing the depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system caused by opioids.

50. 26 The sceptical economist peter Bauer did a simple calculation, reversing the World Bank's growth-rate.

51. He will not let pride or stubbornness prevent him from adjusting or even reversing a decision.

52. Rao accelerated the dismantling of the License Raj, reversing the socialist policies of Rajiv Gandhi's government.

53. Double stand reversing cold strip mill is an important rolling mill type because of its merits.

54. No signalling device such as a warning horn or reversing alarm is to be operated during the test.

55. An on-off switch with pilot light, reversing switch and a power rheostat are mounted on the base.

56. Early identification and treatment of Cardiopulmonary disease is crucial for reversing organ damage and preventing further injury

57. The present invention relates to compositions and methods for inhibiting and reversing nonenzymatic cross-linking (protein ageing).

58. Although surgery is generally used to treat Cataracts, carnosine eye drops are effective for reversing this condition

59. The connection of the reversing region (5) to the accumulator element (7) comprises a valve device (10).

60. An on - off switch with pilot light , reversing switch and power rheostat are mounted on the base.

61. The sixth paragraph of Section #.#.#, concerning acoustic and/or visual warning signals, applies only in the case of reversing

62. 18 They eventually succeeded in reversing the roles of the pagan religions and their own by taking the offensive.

63. 6 Reversing round a corner is one of the manoeuvres you are required to perform in a driving test.

64. A contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command Familiarity information: Countermand used as a noun is very rare

65. Backwashing a DE pool filter is the act of reversing the flow of water inside your filter tank

66. Reversing along a curve, the line of which shall be left to the discretion of the Member States;

67. Over the next 10 years the company added components for air conditioning valves, such as the Reversing Valve.

68. No signalling device such as a warning horn or reversing alarm is to be operated during the test

69. In both cases, the NIHB HICPS system generates a "Claim Adjustment" reversing the impact of the original claim.

70. It has a fully working Stephenson link motion for reversing and controlling the point of cutoff of both cylinders.

71. At the Gynn, the ravine was bridged and an elaborate tramway layout constructed, facilitating cars reversing in both directions.

72. 28 So held the court of appeals for the Eighth Circuit, reversing a district court in a Missouri case.

73. 15 It would mean reversing himself on three points: price reform, budget discipline and privatisation of land and property.

74. The sixth paragraph of section #.#.#, concerning acoustic and/or visual warning signals, applies only in the case of reversing

75. 22 Cars had to use the single line to cross over from one track to the other when reversing.

76. 16 Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, reversing himself after days of criticism, Friday said he would continue to lead the Whitewater investigation.

77. Backwashing a drinking water system filter means reversing and increasing the water’s flow to flush out accumulated debris and particles

78. Although the appeals court was unanimous in reversing the lower court, the judges each had different reasons for their conclusions.

79. Problem Set 3 : Asymptotics of percentile order statistics, non - reversing random walk, self - trapping random walk, self - avoiding random walk.

80. In logic, the Contrapositive of a conditional statement is formed by negating both terms and reversing the direction of inference