Use "oratory" in a sentence

1. I admire the oratory of some politicians.

2. Of, like, or supporting anarchy: Anarchic oratory

3. His oratory drew tears from his audience.

4. He dazzled the crowd with his oratory.

5. He displayed determination as well as powerful oratory.

6. Of, like, or supporting anarchy: Anarchic oratory.

7. He roused the masses with his oratory.

8. Reverend Sonny Lara is well-known for his oratory.

9. Much of his power came from his brilliant oratory.

10. They were defeated by the power of her oratory.

11. He loved the sound of his own oratory.

12. The prime minister has a reputation for powerful oratory.

13. Some politicians are famous for their powers of oratory.

14. 3 The crowd was held spellbound by her oratory.

15. He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory.

16. His oratory soon had the crowd booing his opponents.

17. 16 Reverend Sonny Lara is well-known for his oratory.

18. The wedding will be at the Brompton Oratory next month.

19. He pulverise the opposition with the force of his oratory.

20. He pulverize the opposition with the force of his oratory.

21. 1 He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory.

22. Oratory PrepAratory School, commonly known as Oratory Prep, is a Roman Catholic college prepAratory day school for boys in grades 7-12, located in Summit, New Jersey.

23. Queen Victoria was simply Bewildered by the oratory of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan.

24. 28 Your music and oratory inspire your allies to greater deeds of valor.

25. Marquis Childs of The Washington Post wrote that King's speech "rose above mere oratory".

26. Mitterrand's oratory and writings displayed a wide grasp of history, philosophy, religion and literature.

27. Buchanan, armed with little more than expert oratory, can probably be sidelined by the Republicans.

28. There are many synonyms of Articulacy which include Articulateness, Expressiveness, Fluency, Oratory, Volubility, Volubleness, etc.

29. Synonyms for Articulateness include eloquence, rhetoric, articulacy, oratory, expressiveness, fluency, poetry, lucidity, volubility and clarity

30. Mozart's heroic brand of oratory is very different from Beethoven's much more robust variety.

31. Their debate on Labour's plight rages far above the brawling oratory in the conference hall.

32. It was subsequently placed in the inner oratory where it was enshrined beneath an altar.

33. In 18 the owners suddenly relented and sold, and Bessett was able to build his oratory.

34. He had spent the last twenty years attending the Party conference, four days of gin and oratory.

35. It was called oratory, and dealt with, among other things, logic and the art of persuasion....

36. He possesses a good education and reading; he speaks well, and seems desirous of improving himself in Oratory.

37. That's a vestige of when people used to think about oratory and rhetoric in these sorts of spatial terms.

38. 27 He possesses a good education and reading; he speaks well, and seems desirous of improving himself in Oratory.

39. However, one cannot help but feel chills when looking at the sacrificial stone in front of Huitzilopochtli’s oratory.

40. It is the rhetorical masterpiece of American abolitionism, one of the greatest works of oratory in American history.

41. But his power of decision-making improved, and his gift of calming, persuasive oratory rose to its heights.

42. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels made effective use of film, mass rallies, and Hitler's hypnotic oratory to influence public opinion.

43. Patriot Patrick Henry liked to drop by to hear the recruiting sermons Davies preached, in order to learn oratory.

44. Edwards has analysed the numerous parallels established by Altichiero in the Oratory but she has not considered these in relation to the rhetoric of Amplificatio; see Edwards, Mary, ‘ Parallelism in the Frescoes in the Oratory of St George in Padua (1379–1384) ’, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 71 (2008), pp

45. Oratory eliminated the worthless chatter and allowed spies to focus on their precise needs, spewing to the printer only relevant messages.

46. This was Zeus Agoraios, the supposed inspirer of oratory to whom an embellished altar carved out of precious Pentelic marble was dedicated.

47. He became the voice of the British Empire, and the man who had always ridiculed Americans for Bunkum oratory, out-screamed us all.

48. According to one story, when he was asked to name the three most important elements in oratory, he replied "Delivery, delivery and delivery!"

49. Arts included whaikōrero (oratory), song composition in multiple genres, dance forms including haka, as well as weaving, highly developed wood carving, and tā moko (tattoo).

50. This place is the new hall built alongside the earlier oratory, and identical to it, through which a twin basilica, Basilicae geminae, came into being

51. The Churching of women is not a strictly parochial function, yet the Congregation of Sacred Rites (21 November, 1893) decided that a parish priest, if asked to give it, must do so, and if another priest is asked to perform the rite, he may do so in any church or public oratory, provided the superior of said church or oratory be notified.

52. The Churching of women is not a strictly parochial function, yet the Congregation of Sacred Rites (21 November, 1893) decided that a parish priest, if asked to give it, must do so, and if another priest is asked to perform the rite, he may do so in any church or public oratory, provided the superior of said church or oratory be notified.

53. Buntline's 1876 thrust into political oratory having been viewed as less than a complete success, at least by the Republicans, Ned retired from the speaker's rostrum and returned to his writing

54. ‘The most famous Adytum in Greece was in the temple of Apollo at Delphi.’ ‘They were descending the tapestries of the oratory walls or scuttling beneath the arrases that screened off the adyta behind the idol.’

55. ‘Yet the show doesn't so much advocate ethical breaches, as it Adulates the magic of courtroom oratory and ‘out of the box’ thinking.’ ‘It is the antithesis of the still-prevailing Greek worldview which Adulates logic and the laws of nature as absolute.’

56. Cloudily, Blurredly, murkily; dully, confusedly firing change mukauttaa, mukautua, totuttaa, tottua, tottua ilmanalaan embouteillage (n.) pojednanie navel cord Bonne chance! liquid (adj.) domesticate drag down, hold to, hang on, seize, to climb colt rat prekogranični promet toczak gliadins bergelepar oratory canon freer cremaliera angrenajului

57. Yet by your leaue, Master Critick, you must giue me licence to flourish my Phrases, to em∣bellish my lines, to adorne my Oratory, to em∣broder my speeches, to enterlace my words, to draw out my sayings, and to Bumbaste the whole suite of the businesse for the time of your wearing.

58. Small of Binture and weak ofconsti!lidn, have protested against this)j)wylo of -oratory, and demand ed the permission to resign, because, tky aid, they could not represent tjywr constituents in a satisfactory Hilmr-: They Lava proposed to Kenat in their place two mountain boys of herculean statare and trongtk, because in …

59. Locutions, idioms and examples paulo mox paulo ante paulo post iactantior paulo ea quae paulo remotiora videntur Agrippina paulo commotior actio paulo agitatior = an act (oratory) a bit more excited Animadverti paulo te hilariorem audacius paulo disputabo Antipater paulo inflavit vehementius civis Romanus paulo notior a quibus (navibus) cum paulo tardius esset

60. And Antony says to Brutus in the I st Scene of Act-III using the method of asyndeton:And again the same Antony, while addressing a mob uses metonymy in his opening lines of the famous speech:The Charismatic Art of Articulacy and Oratory in Shakespeare's Select Plays -An Overview 27 [email protected] Rome, I have the same dagger for

61. Nearly a century ago, the April 1, 1899, Watch Tower noted Paul’s words at 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 and then said: “The Apostle points out distinctly that knowledge and oratory are not the most vital tests, but that love permeating the heart and extending out through all the course of life, and actuating and operating our mortal bodies, is the real test —the real proof of our divine relationship. . . .