Use "oppressing" in a sentence

1. This Army caste is oppressing us greatly.

2. Am I talking to the spirit that's oppressing this family?

3. Synonyms for Browbeating include bulldozing, bullying, cowing, hectoring, intimidating, badgering, coercing, domineering, dragooning and oppressing

4. The image of a human imperium oppressing rest of nature is no mere metaphor.

5. Marx even believed that the churches were oppressing the proletarians because the Bourgeoisies were controlling the churches

6. So they set over them chiefs of forced labor for the purpose of oppressing them in their burden-bearing.”

7. The Casteism that we find today is the materialistic form of designation that has become a way of oppressing the lower social orders of people

8. Butler goes on to explain in detail how the Chokehold plays a part in oppressing African-American men and how to avoid the ramifications of the Chokehold, if possible.

9. The methods such as caption, detention, judicial control, taking into custody, dragging away persons to the court house or police station, oppressing, searching, Abjudging, police interrogation, debriefing, getting information, confrontation, identification, physical examination and taking samples, wiretapping, ortam dinlemesi, technical

10. Darse aires (de grandeza) At the dinner table my father would go on and on, showing off, aggrandizing himself Nothing is easier than to pervert the government's powers into instruments to Aggrandize and enrich one or more interests by oppressing and impoverishing the others Gerard tended to Aggrandize these youthful