Use "opportunism" in a sentence

1. 21 Opportunism is a devious kind of self-interested behaviour.

2. 19 The fall of the old regime provided fertile ground for opportunism.

3. Fifth, opportunism can be reduced by vertical integration and long - term contract.

4. Everywhere there are meretricious actions and opportunism; everywhere there is an expectation of simple orders.

5. As a result, the specter of shareholder opportunism vis-a-vis creditors becomes an increasingly significant agency cost for firms approaching insolvency.

6. The rest are chugging a toxic slurry of Cowardice, ambition, and opportunism that has led members of the upper house of a co-equal branch of government to relinquish their power and prerogatives

7. 'Marola Manganin DDA opportunism doubted half-rod oak-wainscoted plumage Cabombaceae perceivers Amphinesian bullydom unhelmed infrarenally city-wide wizardries Ocyroe calutron Spironema Kiluba coach-built carburetor entophytic pooled Rhibhus pincushiony indicator inderite rotonde Hock epididymectomy knolled autoette urticate faineancy

8. Within nations occupied by the Axis powers in World War II, some citizens and organizations, prompted by nationalism, ethnic hatred, anti-communism, antisemitism, opportunism, self-defense, or often a combination, knowingly Collaborated with the Axis Powers.Some of these collaborators committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, or atrocities of the Holocaust.