Use "opined" in a sentence

1. I opined that it would certainly be dramatic, if un-presidential.

2. The headmistress opined that the trip would make a nice change.

3. "This project is great news for Tucson," opined the Mayor.

4. Shelbi mastodon well-appropriated outtalks opined debating diphtheritic Alymphia Ladakhi thermostat's ginseng Lemoyne

5. West opined that the song was too insubstantial and gave it a "B–".

6. The headmistress opined that the outing would make a nice change for Flora.

7. He opined that the navy would have to start again from the beginning.

8. More likely, Hecataeus opined, he drove them from Epirus, a few hundred miles north.

9. After watching the film, Finnish MEP Ari Vatanen opined: "It is a powerful message.

10. Liddy later opined in his autobiography that he could have used a much bigger shredder.

11. Synonyms for Commented include allowed, editorialized, noted, observed, opined, reflected, remarked, weighed in, believed and considered

12. He opined that B's confession was unreliable; no rebuttal medical evidence was called by the Crown.

13. Store Arrogantly opined, "I think it is a worrying sign" about the state of Israeli democracy

14. Experts opined that political leadership has gone Brainsick, and they are throwing absolutely un-doable ideas of no match in the whole world

15. Hippocrates had once Abstrusely opined that cancer was “best left untreated, since patients live longer that way.” The Emperor of All Maladies

16. Twain had lived in Austria during 1896, and opined that the Habsburg empire used scapegoats to maintain unity in their immensely diverse empire, namely Jews.

17. A Haaretz reviewer opined that the success of her books, which spend months on bestseller lists, is due to her appeal to the "typical Israeli baker".

18. In 2013, Jeffrey Kluger of Time agreed that Jolie has for many years symbolized the feminine ideal, and opined that her frank discussion of her double mastectomy redefined beauty.

19. Hat testimony was Controverted by the owner's expert, a licensed New York engineer who opined that he did not observe any excessive sloping or sagging in the floor, any evidence of chronic leaks, or any structural defects

20. 2 days ago · He opined that their continued detention without Arraigning them before a Court of Competent jurisdiction for an offence known to law is a clear breach and …

21. In response to that inquiry, the Committee opined that a physical therapist assistant can take telephone orders from a physician providing the physical therapist assistant documents the orders in the patient record, does not alter the treatment plan and Apprizes the supervising physical therapist of the orders.

22. In a dissent on other grounds, Chief Justice Leo Strine opined that Commercially reasonable efforts is “a comparatively strong” commitment, one that is only “slightly more limited” than “best efforts.” 4 Indeed, in the proceedings below, the Delaware Chancery Court had all but equated the term “Commercially reasonable efforts

23. The two adults quoted (both experienced history teachers) provide some insight into this perhaps surprising gap in popular knowledge: One opined that most people are aware of the Declaration of Independence and the rights it Bestows, including "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

24. No doubt Cognisant of these realities, in point number two of their statement, The Elders have opined that the initial negotiations should aim at realizing "security arrangements in which both Israelis and Palestinians have confidence", and have called on the international community to assist both sides to arrive at an agreement.

25. Likewise , the Reverend Calvin Butts , III , of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of New York , opined recently at a United Nations conference on Islamophobia : " Whether Muslims like it or not , Muslims are labeled people of color in the racist U . S . . . they won ' t label you by calling you a n - - - - - but they '

26. Such manifestations, he opined, “doth not alwaies argue some extraordinary judgment of God.” 41 He even provided a medical explanation noting that “Raving and Blasphemings arise of the disease of melancholy and of frenzies, which often happen at the end of burning fevers, the choller shooting up to the braine.” 42 Perkins argued against onlookers rushing to conclusions, noting, “wee must not judge …