Use "onus" in a sentence

1. The onus of proof lies with you.

2. Skalpund onus stretchy Adhibiting Pommern tumbril Artevelde

3. The onus of proof lies with the prosecution.

4. 21 The onus of proof lies with the prosecution.

5. Maybe this takes the onus off what goodness is.

6. (159) Rather, such defendants should merely be required to bear an evidential onus, that is, the onus of Adducing evidence of the existence of reasonable grounds.

7. I believe the onus is upon us to vote down the project.

8. The onus is on employers to follow health and safety laws.

9. The onus is on the prosecution to provide proof of guilt.

10. I believe the onus are upon us to vote down the project.

11. The report puts the onus of children's early education firmly on the parents.

12. This would put a greater onus on the forest to provide more income.

13. The law puts the onus on the lender to carry out necessary checks.

14. We are trying to shift the onus for passenger safety onto the government.

15. The onus of care falls on individual practitioners, both medical and non-medical.

16. 13 synonyms for Attaint: black eye, blemish, blot, onus, spot, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish, disgrace

17. Inevitably the onus rests on the buyers and users to specify the products needed.

18. The onus is on government departments to show cause why information cannot be disclosed.

19. Synonyms for Culpability include blame, fault, blameworthiness, accountability, answerability, guilt, liability, responsibility, onus and rap

20. The onus is now on Untaet and the World Bank to prove their worth.

21. It prefers to publish Charters laying the onus for provision of services on others.

22. Synonyms for Answerability include responsibility, culpability, liability, accountability, blame, fault, guilt, blameworthiness, onus and rap

23. Synonyms for Blame include culpability, fault, accountability, guilt, onus, responsibility, Blameworthiness, rap, condemnation and liability

24. Therefore the onus is on Ireland to do the same to keep the dream alive.

25. 28 The onus is on government departments to show cause why information cannot be disclosed.

26. Mayor Willie Brown, rather than accepting the challenge, shifted the onus back on recalcitrant neighbors.

27. The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description.

28. As such foods become more widely available, the onus is on us to put our money where our mouths are.

29. In the second place to put the onus of preventing censorship in libraries on individual librarians is unreasonable and unrealistic.

30. Where wireless solutions are deployed, there is an onus on ensuring that the radio transmissions are adequately encrypted.

31. Each of these assumptions is so questionable as to put the onus of proof very heavily on the trade unions.

32. The onus, however[sentence dictionary], is on the student to obtain full benefit from the programme initiated by the ward staff.

33. Having thus cleverly disarmed his remarks, he effectively placed the onus for taking them to heart squarely on Robby.

34. It seems the onus is still very much on women to make the compromise, if needed, in a relationship.

35. Whenever this happens, the onus is on you to control the call and steer the conversation to a successful conclusion.

36. It lays onus of dam safety on the dam owner and provides for penal provisions for commission and omission of certain acts.

37. OTV being the first private satellite TV channel in Odisha carries the onus of charting a course that Behoves its pio

38. OTV being the first private satellite TV channel in Odisha carries the onus of charting a course that Behoves its pio

39. That Act also places the onus on the knife carrier to show that he had good reason for possessing it in public.

40. The nature of mental Compulsions probably means that while the onus is still on therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists to ask questions that allow room for …

41. The southern Alberta pilot project allows victimized families to remain in their homes, while removing the perpetrators — putting the onus on Abusers to disrupt behaviour patterns and receive

42. The law presumes every child legitimate, when born of a woman in a state of wedlock, and casts the onus probandi on the party who affirms the Bastardy.

43. The accusatorial then functions, with regard to evidence, on the basis of the rule of "incumbit actoris onus probandi", which means that the plaintiff bears the burden of proof

44. Instead, the onus for action is sought to be shifted to developing countries, which have contributed little to the accumulation of greenhouse gasses and face the huge burden of adaptation.

45. The onus is now on the Libyan people to show restraint and respect for the rule of law in dealing with regime officials and soldiers, and to refrain from vigilantism and retributive justice.

46. The Committee feels that the onus is on the Member States in particular to do everything they can to boost businesses competitiveness by establishing the requisite conditions, and considers the EU support programmes an important and effective adjunct in this connection.

47. In case the healing didn’t work, according to Tacitus, the “the onus of failure would belong to the poor Beseechers.” This was a win-win for Vespasian, because if he succeeded, he would get the credit, and if he failed the men would be blamed! W

48. ‘legally Admissible evidence’ ‘The onus is now on legal council to establish evidence that is Admissible in court of noncompliance on the part of the debtors.’ ‘I doubt very much that such evidence would be Admissible in an Australian court.’ ‘The new Criminal Justice Bill would make hear-say evidence more readily Admissible in

49. This onus is met if: a connection exists between the measure and the objectives so that the former cannot be said to be arbitrary, unfair or irrational; the measure impairs the Charter right or freedom no more than necessary; and the effects of the measure are not so severe as to constitute an unacceptable abridgement of the right or freedom.

50. In any case we may here apply the adage Affirmantis onus probandi; upon those who wish to make the gammadion a legacy of the "primitive" Aryans, it is incumbent to prove that these Aryans practised symbolism; that amongst their symbols the gammadion had a place, and that this gammadion typified the old Diu pater, the Heavenly Father of