Use "one against the other" in a sentence

1. So, it's pitting one against the other.

2. Clatter definition, to make a loud, rattling sound, as that produced by hard objects striking rapidly one against the other: The shutters Clattered in the wind

3. The two took up a kind of Antiphony, one against the other, now rising in volume, now dying down to a low grumble, again suddenly bursting like an explosion.

4. Noun a sharp, hard, nonresonant sound, like that produced by two pieces of metal striking, one against the other: the Clank of chains; the Clank of an iron gate slamming shut

5. Thus these elements form a bony disc, and the two sockets (Acetabula) destined, respectively, for the heads of the two thigh-bones, come to be closely approximated one against the other.

6. Crepitation refers to situations where noises are produced by the rubbing of parts one against the other, as in: Crepitus, a crunching sensation felt in certain medical problems Rales or crackles, abnormal sounds heard over the lungs with a stethoscope A mechanism of …

7. + 22 The 300 continued to blow the horns, and Jehovah turned the sword of each one against the other throughout the camp;+ and the army fled as far as Beth-shitʹtah, on to Zerʹe·rah, as far as the outskirts of Aʹbel-me·hoʹlah+ by Tabʹbath.