Use "on the slope" in a sentence

1. The car could hardly get along on the slope.

2. 4 The car could hardly get along on the slope.

3. A second method is based on the slope of the Antilog curve

4. It lays along the road to Stříbrná Skalice, on the slope turned to the south.

5. You must put on the hand brake on the slope in case the car slides downwards.

6. Also, on the slope of the acropolis was recently found the remains of its ancient theater.

7. 1 Livadeia — The capital of the Boeotia, on the slope of Mount Helicon, celebrated in Greek mythology

8. A man who lived lower down on the slope asked, ‘Where in the world did you come from?’

9. In simple words, in a Concordant drainage pattern, the path of the river is highly dependent on the slope of the river and topography.

10. Boeotia, therefore, was the scene of various important battles—Plataea Plataea , ancient city of Greece, in S Boeotia (now Voiotía), on the slope of Mt

11. Freestyle Blobbing, on the other hand, refers to a style in which the blobbee is placed on the slope of the Blob, in various positions facing different directions

12. During advections of cold air from NW (blocking situation) the temperature and wind patterns are less evenly distributed than one would expect. In the lowermost layers of the valley atmosphere, presumably below the cloud base, from 1700 to 1900 m the gradient on the slope even with this weather situation reaches the value of nearly 1°C per 100 m, only above this zone the gradient drops to approximately 0.6° C per 100 m.