Use "on the agenda" in a sentence

1. What's the next item on the agenda?

2. There are three items on the agenda.

3. Luckily, the seaside ain't on the agenda today.

4. What is the next item on the agenda?

5. What is the next item on the agenda?

6. The second item on the agenda is maternal mortality.

7. The budget has a regular spot on the agenda.

8. Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda.

9. 3 Let's skip to the last item on the agenda.

10. 9 Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.

11. 17 I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.

12. Fresh attempts at compromise with the legislature were also on the agenda.

13. Beating was on the agenda, certainly, but buggery very definitely was not.

14. It was to be an ugly demonstration; damage limitation was not on the agenda.

15. Perhaps that should be rectified and this item put where it belongs: on the agenda.

16. • Consensus agreement should be reached on the agenda structures before determining the alternative meeting pattern

17. Nor will notions of contagion and susceptibility be on the agenda when we meet them.

18. Overall, improvements in accounting, capital regulation and macro-prudential supervision feature high on the agenda

19. The first item on the agenda was how to cut down the cost in manufacture.

20. Revolution was on the agenda, in the sense that there were conjunctures of objectively revolutionary situations.

21. Since the removal of geographic limitation isn’t on the agenda (Recommendation 6) the recommendation isn’t accepted.

22. The chairman opened the ball with a few introductory remarks upon the items on the agenda.

23. Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted.

24. � As there was no consensus to include this item on the agenda, it was held in abeyance.

25. The main item on the agenda will be the possible acquisition of larger premises for our services.

26. The Chair said he took it that the Committee wished to take no action on the agenda item.

27. And another thing: why are IFRS for small and medium-sized companies actually on the agenda right now?

28. 1 As there was no consensus to include this item on the agenda, it was held in abeyance.

29. You can encourage some pre-conditioning by placing an approximate time allowed next to each item on the agenda.

30. As part of their functions, they assist the Chair in steering discussions on the agenda of that Committee/Sub-Committee.

31. I think that we should respond to three requirements which advocate including this issue on the agenda for this part-session.

32. the debate on the report on Europol (Report: Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra — A6-0447/2007) (Item 34 on the agenda) would be brought forward and would be held directly after the debate on the Council and Commission statements on the situation in Kenya (Item 55 on the agenda).

33. t the twenty-ninth session of the SBI, there was no consensus to include this item on the agenda. It was therefore held in abeyance

34. There will be a meeting of the EU-African Union Foreign Ministerial Troika on 1 April, and we hope that the EU will put it high on the agenda.

35. 28 Glittery names and high-class culture are tops on the agenda to lend cultural substance and high profile status to a faraway place where few Americans have been.

36. Whichever country hosts the Summit has a Secretariat functioning at that point of time but not a permanent Secretariat. It does not seem to be on the agenda as yet.

37. The next issue on the agenda is to settle the pile of socioeconomic problems, to improve the humanitarian situation, and to foster economic revival and other vital activity in the region.

38. At the start of a debate on an item on the agenda, a political group or at least 37 Members may move that the debate be adjourned to a specific date and time.

39. Human rights are also on the agenda, but as the administration pursues its Asia “pivot” or “rebalance,” the question is how hard Obama will push the leader of the long-entrenched one-party state.

40. Posing Counterproposals and questions The time for shareholders representing at least 1/100 of all outstanding shares in the Company to make Counterproposals concerning matters on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting has expired.

41. Notwithstanding point (e), resolution authorities shall be entitled to participate in resolution college meetings whenever matters subject to joint decision-making or relating to a group entity located in their Member State are on the agenda.

42. Any item other than those on the provisional agenda may be placed on the agenda if the Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part, so agree.

43. IMF quota facilities in the IMF and the development issue brought explicitly on the agenda of the Group of 20, then the mutual adjustment process of determining what the surplus countries should do, what deficit countries should do.

44. Counterproposals and questions Shareholders holding at least one hundredth of all of the shares in the company have the right to make a counterproposal to the proposals for resolutions on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting, which will be put to a vote.

45. ‘Fresh air, Bracing walks, hearty food and reading are on the agenda.’ ‘If you need some fresh air take a Bracing walk up Arthur's Seat.’ ‘I walked in the Bracing mountain air, ate organic vegetarian meals and treated myself to two massages by an expert therapist.’

46. ‘Fresh air, Bracing walks, hearty food and reading are on the agenda.’ ‘If you need some fresh air take a Bracing walk up Arthur's Seat.’ ‘I walked in the Bracing mountain air, ate organic vegetarian meals and treated myself to two massages by an expert therapist.’

47. Any decision by Parliament to adjourn a debate to a subsequent part-session shall specify the part-session on the agenda of which the debate is to be included, on the understanding that the agenda for that part-session is drawn up in accordance with Rules 149 and 152.

48. We have all agreed that the Group of 20 is the appropriate international forum to discuss global economic issues and I am confident that when President Sarkozy convenes the meeting of the G20 later in the year, issues like fluctuations and volatility of food prices and oil prices would figure high on the agenda.

49. The heads of the foreign affairs agencies of the two countries exchanged views on certain aspects of interaction on Arctic problems, and also discussed a number of questions on the agenda of the upcoming G8 meeting at the level of ministers of foreign affairs, including the situation surrounding the Iranian nuclear program and other topical international problems.