Use "on occasion" in a sentence

1. You have on occasion surprised people.

2. Anesthetizations are indeed unsuccessful on occasion

3. Julie drops by my place on occasion.

4. Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.

5. On occasion, Jesus was hungry and thirsty.

6. Unkempt occasionally allowed, but must on occasion.

7. He has, on occasion, made a small mistake.

8. She moves discreetly but with considerable effect on occasion.

9. On occasion, journalists must go against popular accepted opinion.

10. On occasion prisoners were allowed visits from their families.

11. Nobody is perfect, and everyone acts thoughtlessly on occasion.

12. He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.

13. On occasion their hearts too have been as if numb.

14. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.

15. Everyone is going to be anxious or downhearted on occasion.

16. He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion.

17. Germany, on occasion, invests excess cash balances in the banking market.

18. They were subject to exhaustive parliamentary debate and, on occasion, referendum.

19. It provided finance, ensured protection and, on occasion, encouraged technological development.

20. On occasion, Jesus openly refuted the false accusations of his critics

21. On occasion, cold milk added to coffee or tea will Curdle

22. For centuries people have on occasion found themselves involuntarily without work.

23. Most people experience mild cases of Constipation on occasion and treat it

24. She has always been very kind to me, even generous on occasion.

25. On occasion even the latter have lost their usual reticence and blundered.

26. Studio old-timers say her spirit has been seen there on occasion.

27. 25 He observed naughtily, subtly, wittily, passively, on occasion with a feline caress.

28. 2 On occasion, an illustration can be used to sidestep prejudice or bias.

29. On occasion the obstacles have been great and the price sometimes very dear.

30. On occasion, old people are difficult to help and neighbourly relations become fraught.

31. I bungee jump on occasion, and I would like to experience skydiving soon.

32. On occasion, he contended outspokenly and openly with his critics, refuting their false accusations.

33. He translated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish.

34. On occasion, he prayerfully spoke with his heavenly Father for hours at a time.

35. Even variant pronunciations of the same word may on occasion be assigned contrasting meanings.

36. Though enunciation is given to such feelings on occasion, it is by no means pervasive.

37. Autism is not based on a symptom or two, which people may display on occasion

38. 26 He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool on occasion

39. It is used symbolically by government figures, and is on occasion visited by foreign dignitaries.

40. Do they include not only petitions but also heartfelt praise and thanksgiving, and, on occasion, supplication?

41. Although some people might still use the term Centigrade on occasion, the official term is Celsius.

42. On occasion, she would meet Ted's eyes, and he would wink, and nod his head encouragingly.

43. Normally small numbers of Cankerworms are present every year, but on occasion, large outbreaks can occur.

44. Meetings are open to the public, although on occasion the Council may meet in closed session.

45. He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery, which almost always concealed a serious meaning.

46. I recognize that, on occasion, some of our most fervent prayers may seem to go unanswered.

47. On occasion, he went by boat from the Capernaum area to Magadan, Bethsaida, or nearby spots.

48. 22 On occasion, she would meet Ted's eyes, and he would wink, and nod his head encouragingly.

49. Our site features Basenji Information, breeder listings, puppies for sale on occasion, adults for availible on occassion

50. This is patently evident from the way he depicted, on occasion, perfectly symbiotic kisses, embraces and bodies.

51. While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists.

52. Every employee misses work on occasion, but it’s important to differentiate between Absenteeism and other forms of absence.

53. Apparently troubled by no drop of imagination, she was, nevertheless, a prey on occasion to night-time fears.

54. On occasion the courts have adopted artificially strict interpretations of exclusion clauses in order to deny their effect.

55. (Evil Baccae are known to associate with quicklings on occasion, if the agreement mutually benefits both parties involved)

56. Some peaks still show signs of geothermal activity and, on occasion, belch out smoke and red-hot lava.

57. For example, on occasion you may face some opposition from your family regarding attending meetings or an assembly.

58. Chickenpox (also called varicella) is a common and extremely infectious childhood disease that also affects adults on occasion

59. Training an English Bulldog isn't difficult, but the breed is known to have a stubborn nature on occasion.

60. Darters (anhinga), which are very close relatives of cormorants, are also used for this fishing technique on occasion.

61. Two other companies believed libraries could be useful on occasion, particularly in supplying statistics and other hard copy.

62. Few caregivers know what Analogons are, yet they use them on occasion, intuitively, for the benefit of their patients

63. On occasion he found himself scanning the lake, throttling down as he passed bleak islands of rock and pine.

64. 6 On occasion, Jehovah gave comfort by specifying a time, near or distant, when his people would be delivered.

65. Furthermore, there may on occasion be a need to adjust the Family Worship period because of another spiritual event.

66. True, on occasion Job and the apostle Paul used what some might view as sarcasm to express righteous indignation.

67. Real coffee, like fine wine or tea, can inspire both devotion and connoisseurship - and yes, on occasion, snobbery even.

68. For a variety of reasons, on occasion two neighboring land owners may come into a dispute about Conflicting property boundaries

69. 4 On occasion we meet individuals who are abrupt when we call on them in the house-to-house ministry.

70. Time and again he has used persuasion - and on occasion shock tactics - to try to prevent young girls having abortions.

71. Babies on occasion were rubbed with salt at birth, perhaps because certain medicinal or antiseptic values were attributed to it.

72. It's not always a straightforward process, but it's a good idea to delete your browser history and internet Cache on occasion

73. The Cahiers de doléances were written on occasion of the convocation of the Estates General, also called States General.

74. For example, on occasion my friends and I saw films featuring the past suffering of African slaves in the United States.

75. On occasion, all your efforts with friendly greetings and waves to your neighbors may elicit only a reluctant nod in return.

76. Jews use the word Adonai, Hebrew for "Lord" (Hebrew: אֲדֹנָי), in place of the word G-d on occasion

77. On occasion you may begin to open a file and find that you would prefer to rename the file or delete it.

78. There are also seven species of Bats that have, on occasion, been found in Florida but they do not normally live here

79. Naem has on occasion been contaminated with parasites such as Taenia solium, Trichinella spiralis, and enteropathogenic bacteria such as coliform bacteria and Salmonella.

80. 28 On occasion you may begin to open a file and find that you would prefer to rename the file or delete it.