Use "on each other" in a sentence

1. The bees depend on each other.

2. The two sisters blush on each other.

3. The couple lean on each other for support.

4. Naughty little children often tell on each other.

5. People are going to be gnawing on each other.

6. All things are interrelated and interact on each other.

7. As Brexiters turn on each other, Brexit politics move fast

8. Friends tell the truth, friends don't turn on each other.

9. The two men advanced on each other with drawn revolver.

10. He's trying to get his people to turn on each other.

11. 9 Subjects depend on each other. National objectives postulate certain contents.

12. These inequities in income and basic social services feed on each other.

13. Please help me before our dogs inflict serious injury on each other!

14. Bursting for Azure VMs and disk resources aren't dependent on each other.

15. Now, Floyd was killed, so we know they're turning on each other.

16. A Bespectacled couple is slow-dancing in the corner, eyes locked on each other.

17. Technoscience – The perception that science and technology are intertwined and depend on each other.

18. Ever since they had set eyes on each other they had been wondrously happy.

19. The first name they laid eyes on each other was at their wedding ceremony.

20. A perfect Couple is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other

21. The theory of comparative advantage. so that the interdependence of economies. the impact on each other.

22. They feed both at the ocean's surface and below it, and even feed on each other.

23. May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.

24. Covariance is an indicator of the extent to which 2 random variables are dependent on each other

25. Communities of organisms that are dependent on each other and on their environment live in Aquatic ecosystems

26. In SimEarth, a mind - boggling web of factors impinge on each other sort out what does what.

27. The two regulations are intended to operate in tandem and rely on each other for certain requirements.

28. These fluctuations in output and prices have become endemic to the jute economy and feed on each other .

29. And then, Newton proposed the theory of universal gravitation, demonstrating that all objects are pulling on each other.

30. Knights waged constant war on each other by trying to kill as many of each other's peasants as possible.

31. Juan Antonio and Maria Elena can't get along, but their rebarbative effect on each other produces some good paintings.

32. The Alstroemeria and the Salvia lean drunkenly on each other, and are quite the friendly pair, holding each other up

33. Ashen-faced, they leaned on each other for strength while the district attorney told them about the possible plea bargain.

34. In fact, it wasn't until the day of the wedding that the two would likely first lay eyes on each other.

35. When Nick Boon and Catherine's lives cross paths they find themselves leaning on each other to protect everything they stand for.

36. They can lean over, ask a question of one of these adults and it all sort of feeds on each other.

37. In this way they wove a cat's cradle of cross-claims on each other: one bank's liability was another bank's asset.

38. Kristen likes to think of herself as a matchmaker for her poor, woe Betiden friends and their dumb crushes on each other

39. 6 In this way they wove a cat's cradle of cross-claims on each other: one bank's liability was another bank's asset.

40. Coevolution is commonly defined as reciprocal evolutionary changes brought about by interactions between species, implying that interacting species impose selection on each other

41. Both men were too inebriated to defend themselves but managed to land blows on each other. Before long they were both gushing blood.

42. 22 Both participants can make changes and annotate files with handwritten notes as they keep an eye on each other in the video window.

43. Actors can deadlock on each other if there is a circular request between two Actors while an external request is made to one of the Actors simultaneously

44. It probably does reduce exposure because people are not coming into the office and coughing on each other, or touching common objects and sharing things via their hands.

45. The three Customer Validation methodologies of Alpha testing, Beta Testing, and Delta (continuous) Testing build on each other to increase product success at launch and over the product’s lifespan

46. 29 He says, "We know, or ought to, that warriors are inspired by male bonding, by comradeship, by the knowledge that they survive only through relying on each other.

47. What is Brainstorming? Brainstorming definition: a creative process for generating ideas that encourages quantity over quality and discourages criticism and evaluation. A key ingredient for success is allowing ideas to build on each other.

48. The 31 Cutest Dog Breeds in All the Land; Taylor Swift's New Cat Is the Cutest, Officially; This Woman Wants Every Cat to Be a Circus Cat; Taylor Swift's Cats Love on Each Other in Cutest …

49. Asymmetrical warfare, unconventional strategies and tactics adopted by a force when the military capabilities of belligerent powers are not simply unequal but are so significantly different that they cannot make the same sorts of attacks on each other.

50. The surgical students Collaborated on the content and needed to rely on each other: 1) to access the health care data bases using the PDA and 2) to critically analyze the clinical event to decide what information would be useful

51. In describing this migration, Bernard Stonehouse stated in his book North Pole, South Pole: “Hard ice is elastic but readily deformable; under pressure its hexagonal crystals align, then slide on each other to create the flowing and slumping we associate with glaciers.”

52. Chained_bear commented on the word Careen "The word Careen, 'to lurch or swerve while in motion,' illustrates a phenomenon that is frequently encountered when tracing the history of language: the development of a word can be influenced by other words of similar sound and related meaning, and similar words can exert mutual influence on each other.

53. Poor boys, without any financial protection, follow the bullfights as Bootblacks, eager to get into the ring in any kind of an amateur fight no matter how dangerous; practicing the various passes on each other, a passing waiter, a cab horse; riding under the seats of trains with their fighting capes rolled up as pillows; going for days without food when they have been put off a train somewhere