Use "on condition" in a sentence

1. I'll do on condition that you pay for everything.

2. He agreed on condition that I bombard the enemy house.

3. Our sources spoke on condition that they not be named.

4. The second condition: no adverse effect on condition of product

5. You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.

6. 26 He agreed to give an interview on condition of anonymity .

7. He spoke to reporters on condition that he was not identified.

8. Jack will do the job on condition that he is well paid.

9. These $100 notes, depending on condition, may be of significant numismatic value.

10. You can do anything on condition that you can finish the homework.

11. He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.

12. Two employees agreed to speak to us on condition that they not be named.

13. Sherman agreed, on condition that she could also use the clothes in her personal work.

14. I agreed on condition I had carte blanche as regards my adaptation of his text.

15. Ron lent me the money on condition that I paid it back within three weeks.

16. They gave me my uncle's money, on condition that I waived all rights to his property.

17. They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.

18. An example may help: property could be left to somebody on condition that he did something.

19. On Monday the men were each granted bail on condition that they remained in military custody.

20. Since most of them now work for other publications, they spoke on condition that they not be named.

21. 12 The administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Thursday that Clinton also is considering Nevada Gov.

22. 4 One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity , said the White House took the threat very seriously.

23. 28 Two other officials in the Kinshasa government, also speaking on condition of anonymity,[] confirmed the arrests.

24. Much to my surprise she agreed, on condition that we had separate rooms and made our own travel arrangements.

25. Aid, given on condition that it is spent on genuine development, can till the soil for home-grown growth.

26. Besides, mechanical analysis of the structural latches is studied on condition that only one group of tightwire work normally.

27. We accept cruising yacht bookings on condition that the levels of experience described on your booking form are correct.

28. The parties in Kalmykia were offered interest-free loans on condition that they abandoned politics and went into business.

29. The principal Covenants are the covenant of works --God promising to save and bless men on condition of perfect obedience --and the covenant of grace or God's promise to save men on condition of their believing in Christ and receiving him as their Master and Saviour.

30. Brennan and Carlin were granted bail on condition that they keep away from witnesses and Nolan was granted unconditional bail.

31. The licenses have been issued on condition that PowerGen installs equipment to remove most of the harmful emissions by 19

32. He was released on bail on condition that he did not go within half a mile of his mother's address.

33. Another important purpose of the Aoap is to conserve petroleum resources through application of the on condition oil change (OCOC) policy

34. In an environment with obstacles or without, communication experiments are made on condition that there is a handshake protocol or not.

35. The proposal was approved on condition that it first be approved by José Rizal, who was in exile in Dapitan in Mindanao.

36. Synonyms for Allowing that include provided, only if, presuming, assuming, if, providing that, as long as, assuming that, given that and on condition that

37. whereas, however, the payment of advances to producers of # % of the premium due should be provided for on condition that an adequate security is lodged

38. Approximately 50 to 80 "massage parlor" brothels have opened in Panghsang, according to a NGO worker who spoke to The Irrawaddy on condition of anonymity.

39. On condition of value transformation from "formal Rule of Law" to "Substantive Rule of Law", we should reconstitute the system of administrative detention in four elements.

40. So the only hint of how rotten the system is comes when a businessman , even on condition of absolute anonymity , agrees to speak in more specific terms .

41. Energy audits shall not include clauses preventing the findings of the audit from being transferred to any qualified/accredited energy service provider, on condition that the customer does not object.

42. The way of computing immediate predecessor (successor) of the new element is given, so the problem of constructing concept lattice is solved on condition that the attribute set is constant.

43. 1842, Henry Brougham, Political Philosophy Many estates peopled with crown peasants have been, according to an ukase of Peter the Great, ceded to particular individuals on condition of establishing manufactories; these peasants called Adscriptive

44. 1842, Henry Brougham, Political Philosophy Many estates peopled with crown peasants have been, according to an ukase of Peter the Great, ceded to particular individuals on condition of establishing manufactories; these peasants called Adscriptive

45. The 28-year-old victim, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he met the subject at a party at the LIV nightclub in Miami Beach, where they Barhopped the night away before ending up …

46. A source speaking on condition of anonymity said that the operation was conducted both from the air and ground in Nawo Joye Dara-e- Afghania village in Najrab and started Tuesday night around 8:00 pm and continued until 4:00 am Wednesday morning.

47. “The Working Party considers that anonymisation as an instance of further processing of personal data can be considered to be compatible with the original purposes of the processing but only on condition the anonymisation process is such as to reliably produce Anonymised information in …

48. Paragraph 8(a), (b) and (f) applies by analogy [to trade in cosmetic products], Paragraph 9 applies on condition that information relating to physiological or pharmacological effects which is not misleading, and figurative representations intended to explain the field of use of the product, have been authorised.

49. Put the film and the actuating structure in the hollow glasses with the clearance is less than 12mm, on condition that the hollow glasses it airproof, through the untouched actuation by the outer magnetic device to control the movement of the film inside said hollow glasses.

50. Bailment Related Content Broadly, the transfer of possession (and not ownership) of goods by the owner (the bailor) to another person (the bailee) so that they might be used for a specified purpose on condition that they are returned to, or in accordance with the instructions of, the …

51. He is the first to accuse Job directly of wickedness; Averring indeed that his punishment is too good for him (11:6); he rebukes Job's impious presumption in trying to find out the unsearchable secrets of God (11:7-12); and yet, like the rest of the friends, promises peace and restoration on condition of penitence and putting away iniquity (11

52. At positions 1 and 2 the height above the deck of hatchway Coamings fitted with weathertight hatch covers of steel or other equivalent material fitted with gaskets and clamping devices shall be as specified in § 42.15-25(a)(1).The height of these Coamings may be reduced, or the Coamings omitted entirely, on condition that the assigning authority is satisfied that the

53. .3Subject to such additional precautions as it may consider necessary and on condition that the ambient temperature of the space in which such oil fuel is stored or used shall not be allowed to rise to within 10 °C below the flashpoint of the oil fuel, the Administration of the flag State may permit the general use of oil fuel having a flashpoint of less than 60 °C but not less than 43 °C.For ships constructed on or after 1 January 2003 oil fuel having a flashpoint of less than 60 °C but not less than 43 °C may be permitted subject to the following: