Use "offend against" in a sentence

1. Thus, detraction and Calumny offend against the virtues of justice and charity.

2. 25 Broadcasters have a responsibility not to offend against good taste and decency.

3. 27 The film was judged to offend against standards of public taste and decency.

4. Uganda has, indeed, persistently sought to fabricate crises with the Sudan and it is accustomed to showing its contempt for world public opinion by making artless claims that lack logic or objectivity and offend against reason.

5. The law was first Amended in 1914 so that soldiers could leave Parliament and not offend against the absence rules.: There was a time when I would have argued that our libel laws were draconian and should be Amended.: Where an information has been laid within the six-month period it can be Amended after the expiry of that period.: The law was Amended before it was passed, making citizenship