Use "of ones own free will" in a sentence

1. Of your own free will?

2. I've surrendered of my own free will.

3. Let me accept of my own free will.

4. “The work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.”

5. Vows are made voluntarily, of one’s own free will.

6. Did you leave this world not of your own free will?

7. And the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.” —Isaiah 65:21, 22.

8. Of your own free will you came to surrender part of your body to me.

9. They made the choice according to their own free will without coercion.

10. Making a video, Ayesha said that she takes this step of her own free will

11. Big Brother weaves new ones with his own hands

12. Her mouth opened of its own free will to his playfully probing tongue, welcoming the invader.

13. The ones who write their own biographies are called autoBiographers.

14. But the young ones, they don't question their own opinion.

15. Besides those of your own age, what about younger ones or older people?

16. • Will responsible ones control its distribution?

17. 24 The hand of the diligent ones will rule,+

18. When old ones will be young again,

19. Not ones that will risk killing you.

20. Anointed ones have spared no effort in making the Kingdom their own.

21. I will surely collect the remaining ones of Israel together.

22. In what sense will “deaf ones” hear?

23. Autonomy can be defined as the ability to make choices according to one's own free will

24. Americans Abandoning Free Speech Better Brace for the Consequences Government will happily suppress misinformation in favor of misinformation of its own.

25. These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction.”

26. Attendees will benefit from the expertise and powerful networks of both these organizations worry-free, and at their own pace

27. Even loved ones in our own household may become resentful and persecute us.

28. “The meek ones themselves will possess the earth”

29. Adam, in exercising his own free will, was personally responsible for his failure to obey Jehovah’s command.

30. NO SICKNESS, SORROW, OR DEATH: “At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped.

31. If you wish to be among those meek ones who will live forever, feel free to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses or the publishers of this magazine.

32. Free to forge his own destiny.

33. “The expectation of the righteous ones is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked ones will perish.” —Proverbs 10:28.

34. 26 And Reverend Michael Jeffrey said he couldn't beleive his son would go into the barn of his own free will.

35. (b) How will “the melody itself of the tyrannical ones” be suppressed?

36. 9 What, though, will be the fate of faithless ones in Judah?

37. Till when will Jehovah continue to harden the foreheads of such ones?

38. 33 Who will file accusation against God’s chosen ones?

39. Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.

40. The expectation of the righteous ones is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked ones will perish.” —Proverbs 10:27, 28.

41. He will share these spoils with “the mighty ones.”

42. Man Amputates own leg to get free of fallen tree

43. What will prevent us from hastily concluding that such ones will not respond?

44. We support the consolidation of existing nuclear-weapon-free zones and the creation of new ones

45. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth.”

46. Ultimately consumers will be the ones who lose out.

47. We support the consolidation of existing nuclear-weapon-free zones and the creation of new ones.

48. The Codicil will modify the terms of the will, including adding new terms or revoking old ones

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50. The ones of interest here are a highly reactive chemical species called free oxygen radicals.

51. “The righteous ones” will be gathered and will eventually shine brightly “in the Kingdom of their Father.”

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54. Belial’s human element is remaining firm to ones own beliefs, not dancing around in pools of religious feces

55. And that the lowly ones of his people will take refuge in her.

56. The work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.”

57. Paul adds: “These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction.”

58. 9 Bring your own toiletries and drinking cup rather than using the prepackaged ones provided.

59. 20 Then, “the meek ones themselves will possess the earth.”

60. All the bad ones will meet the great Jonathan Corbett!

61. Prayer will help us to avoid companionship with wicked ones

62. With his arms he will collect the little ones together.

63. Jesus said: “At that time the righteous ones will shine.”

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67. Nepotism is selfish behaviour having the appearance of altruism since it benefits relatives as well as ones own concerns.

68. Jesus stated: “On account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.”

69. Reed has generally supported fair trade policies over similar ones advocating free trade.

70. And he will certainly raise up a signal for the nations and gather the dispersed ones of Israel; and the scattered ones of Judah he will collect together from the four extremities of the earth.”

71. National Association of Free Will Baptists

72. Transliteration: Automatos Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tom'-at-os) Definition: acting of one's own will, of its own accord Usage: of its own accord

73. The leader promises the right Bloodlines will survive, and the wrong ones will be purged

74. Some of these computers will be used to replace the old, non-functioning ones.

75. There are many Cisterns in the brain with several large ones noted with their own name

76. They will also lose their own peace of mind.

77. (b) On Judgment Day, how will matters be counterbalanced as between the now advantaged ones and the religiously disadvantaged ones?

78. Each division will be looking after its own interests and will try to maximise its own profits.

79. I will have a ball team of my own.

80. Still, speedy resolution of some cases could free up those vital human resources for more complicated ones.