Use "of no account" in a sentence

1. “Despised” and Held “as of No Account

2. He was despised, and we held him as of no account.

3. 24 Yet this self-protective brand of public service was of no account to the Lordly Phantasms.

4. Men held Jesus Christ “as of no account,” but this did not change his real worth to God.

5. As foretold, Jesus ‘was despised and considered to be of no account’ by those who refused to believe the evidence.

6. 11 This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the chief cornerstone.’

7. After all, even though men ‘held Jesus as of no account,’ this certainly did not change his great value in God’s eyes!

8. Secondly, intermediaries and dental technicians effect the same supplies since it is of no account to dentists whether the supplier manufactures the dental prostheses himself or whether he subcontracts that transaction to a dental technician.