Use "odd-toed ungulate" in a sentence

1. Artiodactyl; Artiodactyl mammal; even-toed ungulate

2. Bovids are a family of even-toed ungulate mammals

3. The Bactrian camel is a large even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of eastern Asia

4. 4 Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.

5. Artiodactyla An order or a suborder of ungulate or hoofed mammals which are cloven-footed or even-toed and have hoofs in pairs (either two or four), as all ruminants (Bovidœ, Cervidœ, etc.) and hog-like ungulates (Hippopotamidœ, Suidœ, etc.): opposed to odd-toed ungulates or Perissodactyla, as the horse, rhinoceros, tapir, etc

6. Belonging or pertaining to the Ungulata, a former order of all hoofed mammals, now divided into the odd-toed perissodactyls and even-toed Artiodactyls.

7. Brontotheres are extinct odd-toed ungulates and are distant evolutionary "cousins" of living rhinoceroses

8. Embolotherium was a Brontothere, a prehistoric perissodactyl (odd-toed) mammal, featured only in the second episode of Walking with Beasts, Whale Killer

9. As nouns the difference between perissodactyl and Artiodactyl is that perissodactyl is any ungulate mammal with an odd number of toes and belonging to the perissodactyla, including the horses, zebra, and rhinoceros while Artiodactyl is (zoology) any ungulate mammal with an even number of toes and belonging

10. Artiodactyla the even-toed ungulates (i.e

11. The guar is an endangered Southeast Asian ungulate.

12. · Steel-toed, chemical-proof boots.

13. The giant Brontothere (Megacerops americanum (name meaning "American large-horned face") is a species of odd-toed (perissodactyl) ungulate (hoofed mammal) of the family Brontotheriidae, a group of rhinoceros-like browsers related to horses.It originally lived in what is now North America during the Late Eocene epoch (38–33.9 mya), existing for approximately 4.1 million years, as an extinct

14. Two Toed Amphiuma Amphiuma means

15. Order Artiodactyla: Even-toed Ungulates

16. The Chevrotain is the world's smallest hoofed mammal, or ungulate

17. Pointy-toed shoes have crossed the gender line .

18. The Chevrotain is the world's smallest hoofed mammal, or ungulate

19. Two-toed Amphiuma (Amphiuma means) and

20. Learn more about the Two-toed Amphiuma

21. They have five toed feet with long claws.

22. The three-toed sloth sleeps 6 hours nightly.

23. Artiodactyls Artiodactyls are even-toed ungulates (hoofed mammals)

24. Depletion of ungulate prey caused by Bushmeat hunting is the greatest threat

25. 5 Landscape Heterogeneity and Ungulate Dynamics: What Spatial Scales Are Important?

26. Looks like we're having curly-toed weirdo for breakfast.

27. The odd willow.

28. It was odd.

29. There are four confirmed species of turtles and two confirmed species of ungulate.

30. Amphiuma pholeter: pictures (1) Species Amphiuma tridactylum Three-toed Amphiuma

31. Amphiuma means: pictures (1) Species Amphiuma pholeter One-toed Amphiuma

32. The South American ungulate Pyrotheriumromeroi provides a new enamel type, “Pyrotherium-enamel”.

33. Average intervals between ungulate kills range from seven to 12–13 days.

34. The Artiodactyla are even-toed ungulates, an order of mammals

35. The Bactrian camel is an even-toed and large animal

36. His behavior is odd.

37. What an odd man!

38. He's an odd bod.

39. Seems an odd question.

40. The three-toed Amphiuma is an eel-like, completely aquatic salamander

41. 12 I?donned a hard hat, a light, gloves and steel-toed boots.

42. Consecutive odd integers are odd integers that follow each other by the difference of 2

43. 9 It is said that our school is preparing to construct an ungulate research institution.

44. Artiodactyla (Ordo) [classical classification] CetArtiodactyla (Cladus) [plylogenic classification] Vernacular names [ edit wikidata 'Category:Even-toed ungulates' linked to current category ] [ edit wikidata 'Artiodactyla' main topic of 'Category:Even-toed ungulates' ]

45. Bison are large, even-toed ungulates in the genus Bison within the subfamily Bovinae.

46. Even and Odd Consecutive Integers

47. Apriori Algorithm – An Odd Name

48. He was wearing odd socks.

49. Three patterns of n-Alkanets are the odd-to-even carbon predominance, the even-to-odd carbon predominance, and the even and odd carbon predominance coexisting, respectively.

50. Bactrian camel is a species of large ungulate that belongs to the camel family

51. Antelopes are many different species of ungulate that can be found in parts of Eurasia and Africa

52. You couldn't win a game of marbles from a 12-toed myopic rhinoceros!

53. The Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates), together with the whales, form the order CetArtiodactyla

54. Antics [ˈӕntiks] odd or amusing behavior

55. I threw away the odd glove.

56. There's something odd about that man.

57. Her father was an odd man.

58. Bisync acknowledgment for odd - numbered message.

59. Odd says we make it back.

60. His reaction struck me as odd.

61. 1 He's helping with odd jobs.

62. SuperComputer Cray-2 Special Odd E.L.C

63. Did you overhear any odd conversations?

64. I'm not the odd man out.

65. That's odd, observed Mrs. Butler, doubtfully.

66. Crotchets: an odd or peculiar habit.

67. There is something odd about her.

68. Funny " ha-ha ", or funny odd?

69. There's something distinctly odd about her.

70. The Argali is a threatened migratory mountain ungulate inhabiting mountains, steppe valleys and rocky outcrops in Central Asia

71. 8 This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells.

72. Acicularly pigeon-toed sexes self-shelter auld-farran Lycomedes undemolishable foregoer phialling evene aster's

73. It's odd that he hasn't telephoned me.

74. I've heard some odd tales about her.

75. Photographs, framed posters, the odd award statuette.

76. The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect.

77. When it reaches maturity it is about the size of a rabbit, making it the smallest living ungulate.

78. The smallest odd abundant number is 945.

79. Different header for even and odd pages

80. The system has some odd little quirks.