Use "obviate" in a sentence

1. To diagnose and obviate equipment malfunction.

2. 14 To diagnose and obviate equipment malfunction.

3. 3 I obviate the need to travel.

4. 2 The practice above suggested should obviate this.

5. 12 We tried to obviate the necessity of beginning again.

6. 13 We must obviate the problem ahead of tomorrow.

7. 7 But such divine activity does not obviate the urgent need for witness.

8. 15 To obviate misunderstanding, state Directions in the most lucid way possible.

9. They obviate the need to walk about with a small shovel and separate bags.

10. 8 In many instances this is too late to obviate desertification and soil erosion.

11. In many instances this is too late to obviate desertification and soil erosion.

12. 12 But such divine activity does not obviate the urgent need for witness.

13. 10 Instead, data are provided directly and more timely to obviate this need.

14. 19 A list made beforehand and ticked off should obviate the necessity for this though.

15. 6 In many instances this is too late to obviate desertification and soil erosion.

16. 2 A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.

17. 16 Early administration of antibiotics may obviate the necessity of surgical incision and drainage.

18. 1 A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.

19. 18 My equipment can be set at a frequency to emit sound waves that will obviate that effect.

20. 17 Up to now, it is not possible to obviate the likelihood of the earthquake.

21. 10 A list made beforehand and ticked off should obviate the necessity for this though.

22. 4 They obviate the need to walk about with a small shovel and separate bags.

23. Closure of the scheme will, therefore, obviate the avoidable recurring administrative and record-keeping expenditure.

24. 25 By asking about the everyday tasks of parenting the schedules obviate the need for time-consuming psychometric testing.

25. 28 This gives us a wonderful opportunity: rather than fixing mitochondrial mutations, we can obviate them.

26. 23 The goal is simply to raise serum sodium enough to obviate the risk of seizures.

27. In jurisdictions not rejecting the privity requirement as to obviate its effect to a great extent.

28. 19 They obviate need to carry large amounts of cash and are always useful in emergencies.

29. All clinical testing laboratories participate in such efforts, and use of Commutable materials would obviate the need for …

30. 6 The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.

31. How religiously, if only in order to obviate neighbourly interference[Sentencedict], the Darcian woman would observe contraceptive precautions!

32. This calls upon authoritatives to lay-open solutions pleasantly that terrify, obviate, coerce, and elucidate cyberdeposit Browbeatings

33. The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.

34. How religiously, if only in order to obviate neighbourly interference, the Darcian woman would observe contraceptive precautions!

35. The Register is a confidence-building measure, which must not obviate the legitimate security needs of States.

36. 29 In jurisdictions not rejecting the privity requirement as to obviate its effect to a great extent.

37. 30 Given that an accessory spleen does not usually require treatment, accurate preoperative diagnosis will obviate surgery.

38. 18 A pull ring is added to obviate the disadvantages of the prior rubber shoes, such as bulkiness and poor portability.

39. 26 My equipment can be set at a frequency to emit sound waves that will obviate that effect.

40. 20 The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.

41. 9 My language awareness course is intended to obviate the need for it by enabling any teacher to learn alongside the pupils.

42. 17 By asking about the everyday tasks of parenting the schedules obviate the need for time-consuming psychometric testing.

43. 8 How religiously, if only in order to obviate neighbourly interference,( the Darcian woman would observe contraceptive precautions!

44. 5 The widening or duplication of tunnels to obviate one way working of wide barges soas to avoid long delays.

45. 24 He also expressed optimism that an acceptable constitutional arrangement could be agreed which would obviate the need for Quebec to seek independence.

46. 20 The length of the day can obviate much of the good accomplished in day care for both the sufferer and the carer.

47. The Italian, Fiat-engined Schneider Trophy aircraft had contra-rotating (two-bladed) Airscrews to obviate gyroscopic forces while going around the pylons.

48. The Sunphotometer's absolute accuracy needed to be established from space to obviate the effects of the Earth's atmosphere on the instrument's calibration.

49. 27 Then some ways and means raising the stability of the high frequency circuit are provided to prevent and obviate the interferences.

50. 11 The length of the day can obviate much of the good accomplished in day care for both the sufferer and the carer.

51. 16 He also expressed optimism that an acceptable constitutional arrangement could be agreed which would obviate the need for Quebec to seek independence.

52. 11 There are those who argue that the signs of a recovery obviate any additional action by the administration to boost the economy.

53. 22 There are those who argue that the signs of a recovery obviate any additional action by the administration to boost the economy.

54. Broadloom definition: of or designating carpets or carpeting woven on a wide loom to obviate the need for seams Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

55. The measures designed to obviate any deflection of trade and distortion of competition may apply for the period considered necessary following abolition of accession compensatory amounts.

56. The most common type of aircraft Bushing is the sleeve Bushing, which features specified inner and outer diameters, and is usually plated with a friction-reducing material such as Teflon to obviate the need for lubrication

57. To obviate this, andsimilar inquiries, I would suggest the reflection, that the history ofmankind is, in a great measure, the history of errors and prejudicesthat the superstition we have now to contemplate, however Absurdin itself, affected the general tone of thinking in several districts ofBritain 'that its influence continued to recent