Use "obsolescence" in a sentence

1. Well, two of their most effective strategies are planned obsolescence and perceived obsolescence.

2. Finally, there's the planned obsolescence.

3. Reduce obsolescence costs of service parts through improved forecasting.

4. Protect your precious email data from data format obsolescence.

5. The answer was built-in obsolescence and high-pressure advertising.

6. Nature does not dwell in the realm of planned obsolescence.

7. The aircraft was nearing obsolescence by early 19

8. It's an absolute sin to accept the decadence of obsolescence.

9. Obsolescence is a byarising from the use of the building.

10. – Total allowances (for obsolescence, depreciation, and condition) not to exceed 25%.

11. Loss from the sale, obsolescence, and loss of assets.

12. – Total allowances (for obsolescence, depreciation, and condition) not to exceed 50%.

13. Nevertheless, the Me 262 indicated the obsolescence of piston-driven aircraft.

14. Low cost broker Planned obsolescence FINRA Fines Brokerage Firm For Reverse Churning

15. The mission had underlined the obsolescence of the 25-year-old warship.

16. The Axe-Fx III is designed with the same anti-obsolescence in mind

17. Now, however, it seems that even among the top designers, obsolescence is obsolete.

18. Versatile, robust, simple, and efficient, the lowly pencil shows no signs of obsolescence.

19. Phase - out product control on material to reach the minimum obsolescence cost.

20. For some small unproductive mills, the reality is not merger but obsolescence and bankruptcy.

21. For enterprises and service providers, the use of network processors ensures against premature product obsolescence.

22. For the less scrupulous, this has become the age of the worker with built in obsolescence.

23. The faster products change, the faster they become obsolete, and even obsolescence creates openings.

24. Mobile phone technology is developing so quickly that many customers are concerned about obsolescence.

25. Characteristics of the stock: number, age, useful life, obsolescence rate, replacement value and accrued maintenance deficit.

26. Sloan is credited with establishing annual styling changes, from which came the concept of planned obsolescence.

27. low- cost, made from local and recycled materials that would last a lifetime, not designed for obsolescence.

28. Due to this “planned obsolescence,” cheapness was often rated more important than quality and durability.

29. Generally, the question of obsolescence will be considered only after full provision has been made for depreciation.

30. There would be no "planned obsolescence, " where products are deliberately designed to wear out or break down.

31. It can also involve redesign and ramp for improvement to existing products as well as planned obsolescence.

32. (g) both initial valuation and revaluation shall take fully into account any deterioration or obsolescence of the collateral.

33. So they followed their cousins in the car industry and made their buildings with built-in obsolescence.

34. There has been a renewal of interest and research into questions of obsolescence, and storage costs.

35. Many obsolescence measures have been derived to assist librarians in calculating shelf space allocation for journals.

36. The regression equation also includes a term X2 which allows to take account of the obsolescence of skills.

37. (g) Both initial valuation and revaluation shall take fully into account any deterioration or obsolescence of the collateral.

38. “We’re losing vast amounts of important scientific and historical material because of disintegration or obsolescence,” says Newsweek magazine.

39. No laws will ever stop the insider trading, collusion, monopoly, labor abuse, pollution, planned obsolescence or the like...

40. Expect Microsoft to continue the trend of planned obsolescence as it adheres to a regular release cycle.

41. The international community clung to Resolution 242 despite its growing obsolescence, as the only agreed basis for a solution.

42. As the women grew in confidence, he removed himself from the scene: Jana's greatest achievement is his planned obsolescence .

43. Portrait of Sebastian Khan It could be the fear of mortality, or Aimlessness, or futility, or obsolescence, or loss of self

44. Products and services in this sector are diverse, have high rates of obsolescence and require a high technical and scientific performance.

45. Managers and executives faced with their own likely technical obsolescence are in some senses confronted with their own professional mortality.

46. Planned obsolescence is associated with a form of industrial production that relies on a minimum renewal rate for its products.

47. In many information handling and processing areas, such as software engineering, the rate of obsolescence of knowledge is high.

48. Missions were requested to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration, and unwarranted accumulation of property.

49. These comprise : diminishing availability of cellulosic raw materials , shortage of power and coal , and technological obsolescence resulting in poor capacity utilisation .

50. It is that the entire system —commercial, cultural, and political— is geared to promoting the concept of built-in obsolescence and throwaway consumerism.

51. Agbogbloshie's scrapyard is famous because it has become a symbol of the downside of technology: the problem of planned obsolescence.

52. 13 No laws will ever stop the insider trading, collusion, monopoly, labor abuse, pollution,( planned obsolescence or the like...

53. Scarcity and planned obsolescence are rewarded in the short term, for it creates a 'turnover' of profit, while also making more jobs.

54. Depreciation allowances may be too limited for certain asset classes subject to very rapid obsolescence due to the pace of technological change.

55. The Obsolescence of Live Edna, so moved, is unable to answer and "presses the hand of the pianist Convulsively."

56. T he re is much derisive talk by clever sociologists and deconstructionists about the obsolescence of the ideal of A gentleman

57. Missions were instructed to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration, and unwarranted accumulation of property.

58. Missions were instructed to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration and unwarranted accumulation of property.

59. The obsolescence of the HVDC back-to-back station allowed an increase of the maximum power transmission rate between Dürnrohr and Slavětice to 1386 MW.

60. If one were to believe the Greek historian Plutarch (in "The Obsolescence of Oracles" (Moralia, Book ), Pan is the only Greek god who is dead.

61. But the alleged obsolescence of the PC is actually a sign of how basic it has become to a new vision of society.

62. 2 Twentythree stainless steel dishes, Denby casseroles and Pyrex serving sets have gone to that great built-in-obsolescence pile in the sky.

63. The economic operators submit specific tenders, offering scope to adjust the initial tender in line with market developments, such as technical obsolescence or significant price changes.

64. Quickly evolving technologies, such as electronics which are subject to the fastest rates of technological obsolescence would need to be designed to foreshadow and accommodate physical updates.

65. "Astana is a metropolis of obsolescence" Astana Expo 2017 may have aspired to a post-carbon future, but it was hard to imagine from the capital of …

66. Ace Aeronautics offers commercial and military off-the-shelf (COTS/MOTS) products for fixed and rotary wing aircraft that provide state-of-the-art system solutions to resolve avionics obsolescence and capability gaps

67. stresses that consumer behaviour and social trends are more relevant to the problem of the ever-shorter usage cycles of products such as electronic devices and clothes than supposed and actual technical obsolescence;

68. The Administration informed the Board that it had issued a directive on property management in February 2015 to make full use of material resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence, deterioration and unwarranted accumulation of property.

69. To efficiently/effectively utilize United Nations resources and avoid loss, wastage, obsolescence and deterioration, assets should be put into use as soon as possible after entry into inventory, with the exception of reserve assets.

70. SENSATIONAL CRIMESWhat the cybercrimes law criminalises are the sensational crimes committed by common people.When consumers complained about short lifespans for electronic gadgets, France was the first country to act: It Criminalised selling products with planned obsolescence there

71. With the exception of the stainless steel work "Midnight Sun," all the pieces in Art Lounge's Beiteddine show are Confected from a reddish steel, which imbues the exhibition with the rusty hues of obsolescence

72. By 1890, pickle Castors were a popular item, but about a decade later, they fell out of fashion and remained in quiet obsolescence until collectors took a renewed interest in Victorian art glass in the mid-1980s through the 1990s

73. In addition to the money tied up by acquiring inventory, inventory also brings associated costs for warehouse space, for utilities, and for insurance to cover staff to handle and protect it from fire and other disasters, obsolescence, shrinkage (theft and errors), and others.

74. Reading Bookishness, a book which depicts the obsolescence of books in the conventional sense through the screen of my Kindle is a funny way to observe how 'Bookishness' as Jessica Pressman terms it slowly affects our day-to-day life in the twenty-first century

75. Reading Bookishness, a book which depicts the obsolescence of books in the conventional sense through the screen of my Kindle is a funny way to observe how 'Bookishness' as Jessica Pressman terms it slowly affects our day-to-day life in the twenty-first century.