Use "obliterated" in a sentence

1. The sand - storm obliterated his footprints.

2. The view was obliterated by the fog.

3. He obliterated the blackboard before break.

4. Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.

5. She was obliterated from my memory.

6. The snow had obliterated their footprints.

7. The village was obliterated in the war.

8. The town was obliterated by the bombs.

9. The French guns obliterated the advancing soldiers.

10. 26 He obliterated the blackboard before break.

11. The village was obliterated in the bombing raid.

12. The building was completely obliterated by the bomb.

13. The village was totally obliterated by the bomb.

14. The entire village was obliterated by the tornado.

15. Tonight, however, the lesser worry was obliterated by the greater.

16. Everything that happened that night was obliterated from his memory.

17. The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.

18. No doubt in an H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.

19. The rest was obliterated by buildings and private and public gardens.

20. 8 The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.

21. He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.

22. Diego Rodriguez died almost instantly when Detective Dunn's bullet obliterated his heart.

23. This distinction between fines and Amercements, absolute in theory, could readily be obliterated in practice

24. The pale sun of early morning was being obliterated and would soon be entirely overcast.

25. In 413 BC, a massive Athenian expedition force was completely obliterated in Sicily.

26. Frequent flooding eventually obliterated all traces of the community that used to live there.

27. He was even willing to pay Talon Karrde 000 credits to ensure Mount Tantiss was obliterated.

28. The Allantois obliterated forming the urachus, after that, it transformed into median umbilical ligament

29. At the same time, Black Prince was obliterated by accurate fire from the battleship Ostfriesland.

30. With repeated blows as it expanded the reverse obliterated creating the huge stretchered Lincoln obverse Brockage.

31. The sunlight can be obliterated and it may become as dark as night at ground level.

32. 29 The pale sun of early morning was being obliterated and would soon be entirely overcast.

33. Cockchafers were once highly abundant until pesticide use in the mid 20th Century almost obliterated them

34. We know little about the earlier advances because the evidence was obliterated by the ice itself.

35. As Clubbing progresses, the angle between the nail and the nail base (called the Lovibond angle) becomes obliterated.

36. That when it did, she believed that they would be obliterated totally, like midges slapped into nothingness by a giant.

37. Bibliography: Bibliolater : Bibliolaters Words that sound like or rhyme with Bibliolater obliterator Bibliolaters bibliolatry obliterated obliterates bibliolatries obliterate obliteration obliterative obliterators

38. Temperatures have been near-10 to-200F for months now every night, and the deep snow has obliterated even the banks.

39. Paths were lost which the water had obliterated and silent highways were marked by great trees lying prostrate across the track.

40. If it was obliterated, the person’s identity was lost, along with his or her means to continue living in the afterworld.

41. Rebecca has a benign blood vessel tumor that's growing out through her skull, has obliterated her nose, and she's having difficulty seeing.

42. For example, the Japanese city of Hiroshima, which was obliterated by an atomic bomb, is now a symbol of the threat of nuclear war.

43. Annihilation definition is - the state or fact of being completely destroyed or obliterated : the act of Annihilating something or the state of being annihilated

44. Observations were made which make it appear probable that the nervous connection with the area of the scotoma is not obliterated but only altered.

45. Its gentle green bosomy hills were obliterated in the mid-nineteenth century by pit-heads[Sentence dictionary], ironworks and regiments of cheap terraced housing.

46. Two Japanese cities were obliterated by nuclear bombs; this was a fitting end to the Bloodiest and most desperate war ever fought by humans

47. The eponymous Beheaded of Palermo (who were not always Beheaded; many were hanged men and women from the lower classes) were not obliterated in the way heretics were

48. While UN intervention was conceived as restoring the border at the 38th parallel, Syngman Rhee argued that the attack of the North had obliterated the boundary.

49. Biological Bulletin by Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.) (1916) "This in turn is more or less completely obliterated later by a tertiary symmetry between the Antimeric halves of the single individuals

50. These innocuous Blasphemings of the holy name were a peculiar feature of the War, in which the principles of Christianity were either obliterated or falsified for the convenience of all who were engaged in it

51. The Aortic arch loops over the left pulmonary artery and the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk, to which it remains connected by the ligamentum arteriosum, a remnant of the fetal circulation that is obliterated a few days after birth

52. Prior to 2000 prominent aeromagnetic anomalies strongly suggested that the fault zone continued southeast, perhaps as far as the town of Duvall, but this was uncertain as the SWIF is largely concealed, and the faint surface traces generally obliterated by urban development.

53. The complete and accurate repetition of phyletic by Biontic development is obliterated and abbreviated by secondary contraction, as ontogeny strikes out for itself an ever straighter course; accordingly, the repetition is the more complete the longer the series of young stages successively passed through.

54. ‘The Bridging and engineering brigade was completely obliterated within 2 minutes.’ ‘An example of this is the generals ensuring their skirmishers could observe the potential Bridging sites.’ ‘Twists in the river and canals mean more Bridging operations.’ ‘But Bridging has its own costs and vulnerabilities.’

55. ‘The room was suddenly Ablaze with the bright golden rays of the sun, giving the room a more hotel - like appearance; orderly, attractive and impersonal.’ ‘Any worries stemming from everyday living are quickly obliterated under the immensity of the night skies, Ablaze with stars as far as the eye can see.’

56. ‘The room was suddenly Ablaze with the bright golden rays of the sun, giving the room a more hotel - like appearance; orderly, attractive and impersonal.’ ‘Any worries stemming from everyday living are quickly obliterated under the immensity of the night skies, Ablaze with stars as far as the eye can see.’

57. And in only their second settlement, the Jong-PAC marine forces came into conflict with an alien race, the Acarines, who promptly attacked and obliterated the foundling Jong-PAC colony and advanced toward the Near-Earth Zone, where they have begun conducting military operations against the Earth powers.

58. We exclude all Abnormities in the formation of the foetus, and remark that moles generally contain no foetus, as the degeneration of the membranes and the placenta mostly occurs at a very early period of pregnancy, in consequence of which the embryo dies and disappears, the cavity of the amnios remaining persistent or becoming obliterated.