Use "obeying" in a sentence

1. The first is obeying God’s commandments.

2. □ How does obeying God’s Word enhance business relationships?

3. □ Why is obeying God’s law on blood so important?

4. You honor me by obeying my command.

5. It entails obeying God in all the activities of our daily lives.

6. We cannot command Nature, except by obeying her . - -- Francis Bacon.

7. But by not obeying God’s laws, men have acted ruinously and become defective.

8. Am I conscientiously obeying the laws of Caesar, though putting God’s law first?

9. * What are the consequences of obeying or disobeying the Lord’s commandments?

10. Bad associations can ‘hinder us from keeping on obeying the truth.’

11. For not obeying discipline, the soldier was dressed down by the officer.

12. Therefore, it was probable that they are obeying the Langmuirs adsorption isotherm.

13. By obeying these laws, husbands and wives learned to control sexual passion.

14. Even though Ahaz continued to do bad things, Hezekiah kept obeying Jehovah.

15. Enjoy the inner peace of mind that obeying one’s conscience can bring.

16. It was no defence to plead that they were only obeying orders.

17. In justification of his conduct, he pleaded that he was merely obeying orders.

18. Satan does not realise that real freedom is found in obeying the voice of reason.

19. Should you go outside to see?— Would this be obeying the ‘superior authorities’?—

20. The individual and the nation as a whole were equally responsible for obeying this divine precept.

21. Obeying that direction can help you to honor Jehovah and reap lasting satisfaction.

22. Let us keep obeying the command: “Get out of her, my people”! —Read Revelation 18:4.

23. * By word and example, teach moral values and a commitment to obeying the commandments.

24. Parents often desire their children to be Acquiescent, obeying commands and requests without any issue

25. First, Conform can be used to speak about obeying rules of governments and other authorities

26. So being obedient to either a policeman or a teacher is like obeying the government.

27. Maxims, proverbs, and other forms of folk wisdom give a person reasons for obeying rules.

28. Obeying Yazov, he sent a force of paratroops to Moscow with far from clear orders.

29. The two drivers, obeying hand signals from Charley, eased the toppled bulldozer away, steadily and with no rotating motion.

30. In a choice between meekly obeying his commands and being publicly humiliated there really was no choice.

31. Obeying this law helps them to keep overlooking imperfections and to find reasons to love one another.

32. Synonyms for Adhering to include respecting, obeying, following, abiding by, observing, complying with, conforming to, heeding, upholding and acquiescing to

33. 4 The dictionary defines obedience in this way: “Act or fact of obeying, or state of being obedient.”

34. Jesus himself was happy and took delight in obeying his Father’s commandments, in hearing and observing God’s Word.

35. Under article # of the Criminal Code, obeying an order from a legitimate authority constitutes grounds for absolute discharge

36. Under article 33 of the Criminal Code, obeying an order from a legitimate authority constitutes grounds for absolute discharge.

37. Let' s imagine these soldiers entering houses, obeying the command oftotal destruction which confers terrible, absolute freedom of action

38. Safe primes obeying certain congruences can be used to generate pseudo-random numbers of use in Monte Carlo simulation.

39. This involves your obeying your parents in all things that are in harmony with God’s laws. —Acts 5:29.

40. Ask yourself such questions as: ‘Does this individual demonstrate in words and deeds that he is obeying the commands of Jehovah and Jesus?

41. Synonyms for Acquiescing to include respecting, obeying, following, abiding by, adhering to, observing, complying with, conforming to, heeding and upholding

42. Why, planets in our solar system travel in orbits around the sun as though they were humbly obeying traffic laws!

43. Synonyms for Complying with include respecting, obeying, following, abiding by, adhering to, observing, conforming to, heeding, upholding and acquiescing to

44. Under Christ’s leadership, we will continue obeying him, confident that the work will be done within the time allotted. —Ezek.

45. However, by obeying the command to “preach the word,” we receive Jehovah’s blessings and also benefit ourselves in other ways.

46. Because we show our love of God by obeying his Word, and his Word commands us to love our neighbor.

47. 23 The two drivers, obeying hand signals from Charley, eased the toppled bulldozer away, steadily and with no rotating motion.

48. Instead of obeying , Jim lay down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled .

49. We all think it wrong to inflict pain gratuitously, but our reason for obeying this principle is not that others do.

50. (1 John 5:5) Such faith is shown by our obeying Jesus’ commands and relying on God’s Word, even as Jesus did.

51. Today, we likewise do not use fear or similar negative emotions, such as guilt and shame, to coerce others into obeying Christ.

52. (Luke 16:10) We should learn to trust in Jehovah in all our daily activities, obeying him even in matters that may seem insignificant.

53. Anchorites thought that by withdrawing from human society, they were obeying the Christian requirement to be “no part of the world.”—John 15:19.

54. A radiationless process obeying an Arrhenius law with an activation energy between 0.03 and 0.33 eV depending on the lattice, quenches the fluorescence at high temperature.

55. Companionship refers to company, an associate, a friend or the one who is someone we know we like hanging out with while, obeying the capacity of being a friend

56. At Philippians 2:12, for example, Paul speaks of the Philippian Christians as obeying “not during my presence [pa·rou·siʹai] only, but now much more readily during my absence [a·pou·siʹai].”

57. Obeying Admiralty instructions to leave some evidence that could not be mistaken of their having landed, Captain Phillip Parker King carved the inscription “HMC Mermaid 1820” on the trunk of a large boab.

58. We can be “like a luxuriant olive tree in God’s house” —close to Jehovah and productive in his service— by obeying him and by willingly accepting his discipline. —Hebrews 12:5, 6.

59. Until then, we must in good conscience observe the arrangement of God and maintain our relative subjection to the superior authorities while at the same time obeying our Sovereign Lord Jehovah in all things. —Philippians 4:5-7.

60. As we shall see, we can honor him by showing him fear and reverence, by obeying him, by acknowledging him in all our ways, by making gifts, by imitating him, and by making petitions to him.

61. InCorrigible: 1 adj impervious to correction by punishment Synonyms: unreformable , unregenerate unrepentant and incapable of being reformed uncontrollable , uncorrectable , unmanageable incapable of being controlled or managed disobedient not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority Antonyms: Corrigible capable of being

62. Over time, that young bishop and I have observed that those who are deliberate about doing the “small and simple things”7—obeying in seemingly little ways—are blessed with faith and strength that go far beyond the actual acts of obedience themselves and, in fact, may seem totally unrelated to them.

63. This persecution is not because of political meddling but ‘on account of the name of Jesus Christ,’ because his followers adhere to him as Jehovah’s Messianic King, because of their obeying Christ ahead of any earthly ruler, because of their loyally adhering to his Kingdom and not becoming involved in the affairs of human governments.

64. In other words , the riddle of biophys - ics is to discover how the fortuitous concourse of myriads of blind and chaotic molecules while obeying the laws of physics and chemistry become ' at the same time integrated into organic wholes , capable of entropy - decreasing ani - mated activity . The problem , therefore , is to trace the very real differences in the behaviour of animate and inanimate matter to their objective foundations in some kind of spatio - temporal relationships . E . Schrodinger was the first to divine the nature of this difference when he formulated his ' order from order ' principle , which is " the real clue to the understanding of life " .