Use "noun phrase" in a sentence

1. It is usually a noun phrase or noun phrase is equivalent to the structure.

2. An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that identifies, or provides further information about, another noun phrase.

3. contains a proper noun or noun phrase.

4. Adnominal: A word, phrase, or clause, such as an adjective or prepositional phrase, forming part of a noun phrase and modifying that noun phrase

5. An Appositive noun or noun phrase follows another noun or noun phrase in apposition to it; that is, it provides information that further identifies or defines it

6. Semantic Selection of Noun Phrase to Assemble Classifier " Zu " and " Tao ".

7. Usage Note: The adverb Awhile and the noun phrase a while can lead to confusion because they sound the same and the noun phrase can function like an adverb

8. Intransitive verbs such as oko "walk" never take an object noun phrase.

9. Similarly, the noun phrase object can be questioned just like any other.

10. In this paper, we use decision trees for Chinese noun phrase coreference resolution.

11. This thesis deals with the semantic and syntactic representation in noun phrase conjunction.

12. Popularly used in the noun phrase Addle egg (mid-13c.) "egg that does

13. Representative methods of base noun phrase identification are summarized in are compared and analyzed.

14. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that follows another noun or noun phrase in apposition to it (not opposition!) In other words, the Appositive provides extra information about the noun preceding it

15. They can be attributive, functioning to modify a noun to form a noun phrase.

16. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it

17. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames the noun next to it

18. Then the noun phrase alignment algorithm combining the use of rules and statistics is discussed.

19. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it

20. Popularly used in the noun phrase Addle egg (mid-13c.) "egg that does not

21. King, Principal … is quite correct because Principal … is an Appositional noun phrase that explains Dr

22. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun right beside it

23. Impressive results were obtained, with only 5 out of 243 noun phrase brackets being omitted.

24. By his analysis almost two thirds of these noun phrase types are represented only once.

25. (of a noun phrase) coming immediately after another noun or noun phrase that refers to the same person or thing In the phrase ‘Paris, the capital of France’, ‘the capital of France’ is an Appositional clause/phrase

26. "A bottle of whisky' is a noun phrase, and "really rather foolishly' is an adverb phrase.

27. Any way is a noun phrase that refers to whichever unspecified method or route will work

28. We use Appositives to redefine or clarify a noun phrase; test your knowledge in this exercise!

29. Aureate diction occurs in the noun phrase golden candle matutine, a circumlocution which stands for sun

30. To Coerce someone <to> [NOUN PHRASE] - English Only forum Visit the Spanish-English Forum

31. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that defines or restates another noun (or pronoun)

32. In English grammar, an Antecedent is the noun or noun phrase that a pronoun refers to

33. An Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that defines or restates another noun (or pronoun)

34. 27 "A bottle of whisky' is a noun phrase, and "really rather foolishly' is an adverb phrase.

35. When an Appositive is made up of a noun phrase, it is known as an Appositive phrase.

36. In both cases, we have a minor constituent of the category noun phrase without any special marking.

37. An Appositive phrase is a special kind of noun phrase that explains or identifies another noun or pronoun

38. The verb be is a link verb.It is used: with a noun phrase:; My mother is a teacher

39. Accomplished the understanding of noun phrase based on the coordinate relation, event noun, appositive relation and quantifier structure relation.

40. The probability of each part of speech starting and ending a noun phrase was then determined from this data.

41. English Language Learners Definition of Apposition grammar : an arrangement of words in which a noun or noun phrase is followed by another noun or noun phrase that refers to the same thing See the full definition for Apposition in the English Language Learners Dictionary

42. Noun Phrase If you are quite tall, Broad shouldered or plus-size, choose hats that have a larger overall profile.

43. In the sentence 'I spoke to the driver of the car', 'the driver of the car' is a noun phrase.

44. Remember that an Appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames a noun that is beside it in the sentence

45. An Appositive is a noun phrase in which one noun (or pronoun) is used, then another is used to clarify it

46. The definition of an Appositive is a word or word group that defines or further identifies the noun or noun phrase preceding it.

47. Actant definition: (in valency grammar ) a noun phrase functioning as the agent of the main verb of a Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

48. An Appositive is usually non-restrictive which means that it only gives additional information about the first noun phrase whose reference in quite clear

49. Common uses of Colons To announce, introduce, or direct attention to a list, a noun or noun phrase, a quotation, or an example/explanation.

50. It occurs in a phrase that is punctuated like an appositive in the sense of a noun phrase "placed with another as an explanatory equivalent having the same syntactic function in the sentence." But "Averaged P to Q" is not a noun phrase, so cannot be an appositive in this sense.

51. The generation rules make up of the major knowledge resource of XMGEN, which include five submodules: Sentence, Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase.

52. What does Adnominal mean? A word, phrase, or clause, such as an adjective or prepositional phrase, forming part of a noun phrase and modifying tha

53. What is a predicate only adjective? Most English adjectives can function Attributively or postpositively as noun phrase modifiers and predicatively as subject complements and object complements

54. In English grammar, an Appositive is a noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it

55. Actant definición: (in valency grammar ) a noun phrase functioning as the agent of the main verb of a Significado, pronunciación, traducciones y ejemplos

56. Facing the fact that the Chinese training corpus for coreference resolution is heavily lacking, this paper presents a new unsupervised clustering algorithm for noun phrase coreference resolution.

57. The one-to-one correspondence between the noun phrase and the thematic role dismisses a sentence which has two subjects at the same syntactic level as improper.

58. According to, Anaphoric pronouns are pronouns that refer to an antecedent pronoun – a function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase

59. I had in mind something more like: Appositive are to Appositions as adjectives are to noun phrases, with most Appositions being a kind of complex noun phrase themselves.

60. Commas set off parenthetical elements such as an appositive, which is a noun phrase or clause that renames or describes the noun directly beside it, and nonrestrictive relative clauses:

61. Used in noun phrase Addle egg (c.1250) 'egg that does not hatch, rotten egg,' literally 'urine egg,' a loan translation of Latin ovum urinum, which is itself an

62. Usually, when you are using good morning as a noun phrase, it is not Capitalized at all unless “good” begins the sentence and receives normal capitalization as the first word

63. That towel may seem like an Appositive, but really that is acting as an adjective describing which towel, and thus that towel is just a regular noun phrase: adjective, noun

64. A Copulative verb is one that connects the subject of a sentence with a noun (or noun phrase) that is the equivalent of the subject or an adjective that describes the subject

65. Adjectivals: The Describing Tool While adjectives and Adjectivals both modify a noun or noun phrase, Adjectivals can offer more detailed descriptions of persons or things where a single describing word may be insufficient

66. "A while" is a noun phrase and means “a period of time.” In contrast, "Awhile" is an adverb, and it means “for a time.” This may seem confusing, so …

67. 3: With a noun phrase patient/object and an infinitive complement (what they're being Allowed to do): He won't allow me to leave Some states allow automatic weapons to be kept at home

68. As the object of a preposition, the noun phrase a while is used, especially in edited writing, but the single-word form is becoming increasingly common: We rested for a while (or Awhile).

69. Anyway is a common adverb used to mean “in any case,” while Any way is an adjective-noun phrase that means “whichever path” or “in any manner.” Anyways is the informal form of anyway

70. The Google search shows that Apochromat is a better Wikipedia article title than the much less common noun phrase Apochromatic lens.--Srleffler 03:50, 4 January 2007 (UTC) OK, thanks for the interesting comments

71. A determiner is a word or a group of words that specifies, identifies, or quantifies the noun or noun phrase that follows it: There are only two types of Articles in English, definite or indefinite

72. In grammar, a noun adjunct, Attributive noun, qualifying noun, noun (pre)modifier, or apposite noun is an optional noun that modifies another noun; it is a noun functioning as a pre-modifier in a noun phrase

73. Hi, Joshua: In (1) and (2), the direct object of "describe" is the noun phrase "the characteristics of a perfectly competitive firm." Normally, we do not place an adverb, such as "Briefly…

74. An Adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a Verb; an Adjective; another Adverb; a Noun or Noun Phrase; Determiner; a Numeral; a Pronoun; or a Prepositional Phrase and can sometimes be used as a Complement of a Preposition.

75. Anyway is a common adverb used to mean “in any case,” while any way is an adjective-noun phrase that means “whichever path” or “in any manner.” Anyways is the informal form of Anyway. While less common in formal writing, Anyways abounds …

76. Is that Apposition is (grammar) a construction in which one noun or noun phrase is placed with another as an explanatory equivalent, either having the same syntactic function in the sentence while appositive is (grammar): a word or phrase that is in Apposition

77. Anyway is a common adverb used to mean “in any case,” while any way is an adjective-noun phrase that means “whichever path” or “in any manner.” Anyways is the informal form of anyway. While less common in formal writing, Anyways abounds …

78. Usage notes When it modifies a noun phrase, it is generally preceded by the definite article the'', and the combination functions as a determiner rather than a simple adjective.It can also occur before a cardinal as in ''the Aforementioned two papers'' instead of ''the two Aforementioned …

79. Usage notes When it modifies a noun phrase, it is generally preceded by the definite article the'', and the combination functions as a determiner rather than a simple adjective.It can also occur before a cardinal as in ''the Aforementioned two papers'' instead of ''the two Aforementioned …

80. "Used" and "Accustomed" are past participles followed by a preposition, in this case "to." Prepositions are followed by a noun, a noun phrase, a pronoun, a noun clause, or a noun form of the verb – that is, the "ing" form.