Use "not about to" in a sentence

1. He's not about to stop me from making history.

2. And they were not about to stop their opposition.

3. You're not about to open a branch in Boca.

4. We are not about to change our editorial policy.

5. We're not about to turn you into some kind of automaton.

6. Politicians are not about to pass up an opportunity this golden.

7. Corporate America is not about to be converted to the environmentalist cause.

8. 7 I was not about to confront her preconceived notions head-on.

9. This time, come what may, I was not about to let them interfere.

10. Relax, kid, we're not about to roust you. We just want some information.

11. I know you were not about to let me leave without saying good-bye.

12. The Catholic Church, for one, is not about to give the operation its blessing.

13. What might illustrate that the disease risks of blood are not about to disappear?

14. The British government is not about to sign away its control of the island.

15. The Romans now had a foot in the door and were not about to remove it.

16. 21 But it is not about to flower into a world directorate with its own army.

17. 22 Back in the first century C.E., the infuriated religious leaders were not about to give up.

18. For modern Realists the state was not about to wither away and deprive their theory of its foundations.

19. Well, look, if your instincts tell you this is not the way to go, I'm not about to...

20. You're holding an uncapped marker, and you're telling me you were not about to tag this subway car?

21. However, Boaz was a righteous man, and he was not about to act merely on his own preferences.

22. (Acts 13:8) But Saul was not about to watch a court magician divert the interest of Sergius Paulus.

23. Yeah, they're intriguing, but I'm not about to start justifying murder and theft as a means to fight public corruption.

24. 26 It is over-inclusive be-cause it stops teenagers from drinking even when they are not about to drive on interstate highways.

25. I'm sure you're a good man, an excellent man, but I, for one, am not about to risk my neck to save yours.

26. I could hardly hear out of one ear and was not about to reveal something else that would single me out as different . So I cheated.

27. I was told it was called "insinkerator" and a variety of other things, but I was not about to change a Canadianism and so the word stayed

28. Says Eric (with a fair amount of feigned Affrontery) about that prospect, "I'm not about to tell you what happens! Why would anyone do that? I wouldn't want to know what happens!"

29. 27 But it is not about to rest on its laurels. Liu said China may introduce counter-cyclical capital charges -- a model for which Spain is best known -- if the economy begins to overheat.

30. The time came for the hearing tests given at our school every year. I could hardly hear out of one ear and was not about to reveal something else that would single me out as different . So I cheated.