Use "not a bit" in a sentence

1. If not a bit self-aggrandizing.

2. Not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny

3. This girl is not a bit like Mom, or Pa, or you.

4. La ! What impudent fellows those lawyers are! And their clerks, too, not a bit better.

5. Not a bit of pepper, either, unless that green thing lurking under a leaf was one.

6. I am not a bit Anxious about my battles, If I am Anxious I don't fight them, I wait until I am ready

7. If one looks at learning immediately after the last study session, Cramming is typically as good—if not a bit better than—spacing, interleaving or retrieval practice.

8. Chipperee, Chipperee, chip! And four little babies peeped out at the sky— Chipperee, cliipjicree, chip! You never saw darlings so pretty and shy— Chipperee, Chipperee, chip! Xow, winter came on with its frost and its snow— Chipperee, chipjicrco, chip! They eared not a bit w hen they hoard the wind blow— Chipperee, Chipperee, chip!

9. (a) The fruit of the hawthorn, a haw; (b) a thing of little worth, a trifle; worth an ~, worth a haw, of any value at all; nought (not) worth an ~, worthless; nought (not) an ~, not a bit, not at all; the heigher of an ~, a particle higher; Availen not an ~, Availen not worth an ~, Availen nought thre haues, to be useless; helpen an ~, be of

10. (a) The fruit of the hawthorn, a haw; (b) a thing of little worth, a trifle; worth an ~, worth a haw, of any value at all; nought (not) worth an ~, worthless; nought (not) an ~, not a bit, not at all; the heigher of an ~, a particle higher; Availen not an ~, Availen not worth an ~, Availen nought thre haues, to be useless; helpen an ~, be of any help; stod me never ~, never meant a thing to me