Use "norwegians" in a sentence

1. Individual Norwegians flew with British air units.

2. On Sunday 20 August, the Norwegians lowered a ROV to the submarine.

3. Urvantsev recovered the mail and scientific data that the two ill-fated Norwegians had been carrying.

4. A 2002 survey reported that 3.2% of Vietnamese Norwegians had been punished for breaking the law.

5. In late 1995 along with four other Norwegians she joined Nikko Securities Dream Ladies football club in Japan.

6. Whenever anything connected with the misuse of resources has gone wrong in the EU in the past, we have always looked admiringly at the Norwegians and their fisheries management, but now we see that the Norwegians are no different from anybody else.

7. The top of the hierarchy were Germans, Swedes, Icelanders, Norwegians, Danes, English, and Dutch who were considered the Aryans

8. The ship and her sister Hyperion pretended to lay a minefield off Bud, Norway on 8 April and reported its location to the Norwegians.

9. The ship and her sister Hero pretended to lay a minefield off Bud, Norway on 8 April and reported its location to the Norwegians.