Use "normal profit" in a sentence

1. In previous investigations involving AHF (jumbo reels) the margin of normal profit was set at 5 % on the basis described above.

2. Current aviation taxes and levies applied by Member States over and above the normal profit tax may negatively impact connectivity and competitiveness.

3. The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the normal profit as calculated above to the cost of production of each product type.

4. The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the normal profit as calculated above to the cost of production of each product type

5. (357) The non-injurious price was obtained by adding the normal profit as calculated above to the cost of production of each product type.

6. For example, if a pawnshop offers a Harley-Davidson motorcycle in its display window at below the normal profit-making cost, this motorcycle will generate a lot of walk-in traffic during the period before it is sold.