Use "nonnegative" in a sentence

1. The domain and Codomain of the square root function is only nonnegative numbers

2. For instance, consider the function given by the rule whose domain is the integers.The range of this function is the nonnegative integers, but its Codomain could be any set which contains the nonnegative integers

3. (1989) Bibasic Summation, Transformation and Expansion Formulas, q-Analogues of Clausen’s Formula, and Nonnegative Basic Hypergeometric Series

4. An example of a Combinatorial constraint is that at most one variable in a group of nonnegative variables may be positive

5. An Algebraic curve C is the graph of an equation f(x, y) = 0, with points at infinity added, where f(x, y) is a polynomial, in two complex variables, that cannot be factored.Curves are classified by a nonnegative integer—known as their genus, g—that