Use "nonlinear conditions" in a sentence

1. To this effect a linear problem with the same boundary-conditions is adjoint to the original nonlinear problem.

2. Test 3 (Realistic_Aposteriori): Realistic case, nonlinear, degenerate with heterogeneous and anisotropic absolute permeability, mixed boundary conditions (Neumann + Dirichlet), discontinuous

3. Device for processing an adaptive, nonlinear signal

4. With this new approach, some sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of nonlinear systems are obtained, and the exponential decay estimation oft he solution is also proposed.

5. There are many nonlinear time varying systems in control domain, and those systems having intrinsical nonlinear are harder to be controlled.

6. The example shows that the bifurcation condition of single degree of freedom nonlinear oscillator can indicates the motional behavior of nonlinear flutter system.

7. This theorem and two additional fixed point theorems will be applied to linear and nonlinear algebraic equations and to nonlinear integral equations.

8. Nonlinear control theory is the area of control theory which deals with systems that are nonlinear, time-variant, or both.

9. 16 The nonlinear stability of the space frame-composite laminate plate combined structures is studied by nonlinear finite element method.

10. Anl _ 1 norm Algorithm for the Nonlinear Complementarity Problems?

11. The resulting coupled nonlinear differential equations are solved numerically.

12. Sixth, we lucubrate the nonlinear detection and identifying methods.

13. Analogue computing also allows the direct representation of nonlinear problems.

14. In the area of nonlinear filtering problems, the nonlinear filter based on this Cubature formula is referred to as Cubature Kalman Filter, hereafter CKF; see [1].

15. A new method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations is introduced.

16. Quasi - keyhole arc welding process is a typical nonlinear system.

17. Systems and methods for controlling highly nonlinear acoustic waves or pulses

18. Affine systems are nonlinear systems that are linear in the input

19. Sequential clockwork systems we understand; nonlinear web systems are unadulterated mysteries.

20. Then by using the critical point theory, prove the many solutions to a class of nonlinear biharmonic equation with critical potential when the nonlinear term has subcritical growth.

21. It was the first time to study closed loop nonlinear system of straight running stability of tractor-semitrailer, based on three DOF nonlinear dynamics model of farm tractor-semitrailer.

22. These codes allow linear and nonlinear static/dynamic analysis of structures.

23. In general, little is known about nonlinear second order differential equations.

24. Using the group foliation method to solve the nonlinear wave equation.

25. A variational formulation, equivalent to an initial-value problem for nonlinear systems, not necessarily self-adjoint, is derived with applications to linear and nonlinear wave problems and transonic aerodynamics.

26. The tuner has a nonlinear Approximator that has been optimized off-line.

27. Matrix algebra is used for the study of complex multiconnected nonlinear circuits.

28. But then I remembered what my Nonlinear Equations professor once told me,

29. 22 The nonpolariton system constitutes free thermal radiation in the Kerr nonlinear blackbody.

30. It must need nonlinear method to reflect essence of the time series veritably.

31. Nonlinear ultrasonic propagation through Aberrating and nonAberrating media Fedewa, Russell James; Abstract

32. Research Interests: Geometrically Nonlinear Effects and Dynamic Aeroelasticity in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

33. Her research areas include Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Complex Systems, Networks, and Computation.

34. The paper contains a description of an efficient algorithm for nonlinear minimax approximation.

35. These filters may be nonlinear, stochastic, logic, non-stationary, or even non-analytical.

36. This unconstrained optimization problem may be transformed into nonlinear algebraic system of equations.

37. A successive approximation quasi - Newton method for solving nonlinear complementarity problems is proposed.

38. Avalanching is an extreme example of a nonlinear process, in which a

39. The plasma wave nonlinear effect of IonChannel Electron Cyclotron Maser ( ICECM ) is investigated.

40. We consider a block version of the Nonlinear Projection Method under an optimal control.

41. In this thesis, two smoothing methods are used to study the nonlinear complementarity problems.

42. A new and rational method must be given to deal with intrinsical nonlinear nonholonomic dynamics.

43. Nonlinear dynamic analysis, direct integration methods, aerial electric transmission lines, cable breakage simulation.

44. The swing equation of the machine is a third-order nonlinear differential equation.

45. A numerical procedure is used to calculate the water activity for nonlinear isotherm equations.

46. The whole system is described by a nonlinear mechanical model, that takes hysteresis into account.

47. They tell us, the scientists do, that the Earth' s climate is a nonlinear system

48. Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields "The book is rewarding reading

49. These models are nonlinear system of Conformable fractional differential equation (CFDE) that has no analytic solution.

50. Key words: floor accelerations, ground motions, nonlinear dynamic analyses, nonstructural, operational and functional components.

51. Finally, all market participants, suppliers and consumers, can in principle benefit from nonlinear tariffs.

52. They tell us, the scientists do, that the Earth's climate is a nonlinear system.

53. In this paper, nonlinear mechanics behavior of the shallow reticulated spherical shell is studied.

54. Method and apparatus for using state space differential geometry to perform nonlinear blind source separation

55. In a nonlinear medium, the permittivity can depend on the strength of the electric field.

56. The design procedure is carried out computeraided in the transformed frequency domain using nonlinear programming algorithms.

57. The paper presents a nonlinear discrete game model for two oligopolistic firms whose products are Adnascent

58. His research is concerned with the mathematical analysis of numerical algorithms for nonlinear partial differential equations.

59. Nonlinear ordinary differential equations for approximate displacements and explicit formulas for approximate stress distributions are obtained.

60. For the problem of image enhancement, an improved nonlinear extrapolation method in frequency space is proposed.

61. A new space marching method is presented for solving the one-dimensional nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems.

62. In recent years, the developing of organic material is quick, formed ramose subject of"molecular nonlinear optical".

63. 10 The serious nonlinear rolling, acted by outside forces or other factors, will lead ships to capsizing.

64. Chaos publishes research in the field of nonlinear dynamics including topics such as network structure and dynamics, synchronization, pattern formation, classical and quantum Chaos, machine learning for complex systems and applications of nonlinear phenomena in other fields.

65. Comparing both methods the covariance analysis is favourable for linear and, particularly, for nonlinear problems.

66. With the actual construction schedule and the measured concrete properties, time-dependent nonlinear analyses were performed.

67. It is first necessary to find, the second order nonlinear geometrical acoustics solution outside the shock.

68. Navier - Stokes equations are nonlinear partial equations, which are good model to describe incompressible viscous fluid.

69. Ashby was an engineer interested in nonlinear control circuits and the virtues of positive feedback loops.

70. Cubature Kalman filter was used because of its conver gence speed, nonlinear system handling, and numerical stability

71. The accuracy of the nonlinear finite element analysis is demonstrated using test results conducted by other researchers.

72. The nonlinear hot image effect of high - power broadband pulsed beam has been investigated theoretically and numerically.

73. The nonlinear response of 36 rectangular single-storey steel buildings subjected to historical earthquake accelerograms is examined.

74. In mathematics, a (real) Monge–Ampère equation is a nonlinear second-order partial differential equation of special kind.

75. For nonlinear single-input single-output control systems, the limit cycle amplitude gradients and frequency gradients are derived.

76. Key words: load distribution factor, ultimate limit state, load redistribution, nonlinear behaviour, slab-on-girder bridge, OHBD truck.

77. Detection and adaptation are not linear processes, thus theories for flicker vision must include linear and nonlinear processes.

78. By discretisation one gets a system of nonlinear equations; we examine different iterative methods of solving this system.

79. An over-determined system of nonlinear algebraic equations was solved for unknown parameters using the least squares method.

80. An algorithm for the calculation of the output signal harmonics in a nonlinear electromagnetic AC network is presented.