Use "nonchalance" in a sentence

1. She shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

2. 19 With epic nonchalance I motored north.

3. She took her situation with much nonchalance.

4. She disguised her interest with nonchalance.

5. With epic nonchalance I motored north.

6. His nonchalant attitude nonchalance irritated me.

7. Some journalists criticize her nonchalance and indifference.

8. Mask He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance.

9. He looks at her, lights a cigarette with elaborate nonchalance.

10. But don't get too excited -- nonchalance doesn't mean nonstudying.

11. He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance.

12. She showed a surprising nonchalance the first time she flew a plane.

13. 'Oh, by the way ...' she started, with a false air of nonchalance.

14. She was very tense, but she preserved an appearance of nonchalance.

15. Try not to convey arrogance, fear, resentment, conceit or too much nonchalance.

16. His nonchalance and aplomb in times of trouble always encouraged his followers.

17. I tried to compose my features into a combination of nonchalance and justification.

18. Suggestions , however , are redundant in face of the nonchalance with which the MPs play truant .

19. How had he expected her to react to his betrayal - with laughter, perhaps, or nonchalance?

20. Beneath his apparent nonchalance he is as nervous and excited as the rest of us.

21. To mount the scaffolds . To advance to the muzzles of guns wit perfect nonchalance.

22. The impasse was made worse by Jobert's passionate nature, which masqueraded as cynical nonchalance.

23. They loosen their ties and slouch against the wall with hands in pockets in manufactured nonchalance.

24. Rubbing the sweat from my brow, I ask a few questions and smile with feigned nonchalance.

25. Antonyms for Concernment include unconcern, insouciance, nonchalance, apathy, indifference, detachment, uninterestedness, remoteness, aloofness and disregard

26. Antonyms for Curiousness include incuriosity, inCuriousness, indifference, insouciance, unconcern, nonchalance, disregard, apathy, coolness and aloofness

27. And from this detachment arise also his sense of freedom, his love of vagabondage and his pride and nonchalance.

28. To become a skilled perpetrator of Amphibolies you must acquire a certain nonchalance toward punctuation, especially commas

29. I think their nonchalance about not caring or not giving a damn about record sales is just not true.

30. Abstraction - Boobishness - boorishness - disinterest - doltishness - impassivity - inanimation - inappetence - insouciance - languidness - loutishness - lumpishness - melancholia - nonchalance - passiveness - resignation - sottishness 12 letter words

31. With Conspicuous nonchalance Verhovensky lounged in the chair at the upper end of the table, almost without greeting anyone

32. Then you wonder just how they can control the ball, the racquet and consequently the game with such nonchalance.

33. "Braid" affects a punk-rock nonchalance about how irredeemable its heroes are (the detective is a pill, too) and seems to dare us, and itself, to find their psychological and sometimes physical torturing of each other horrifying (or moving) regardless.

34. Alternating between Blase nonchalance and brisk nattiness, the author was the matinee idol for fans and scholars alike.: Goe to prepare the maryages what neede the torchis light? be holde the towres of troy do shyne with brandes that Blase full bright.: Harry is allergic to sentimentality, yet under the Blase surface is a smoky torch singer struggling to emerge.