Use "nonaggression" in a sentence

1. Nations have often failed to keep solemnly signed nonaggression pacts, thus leading their people into terrible wars.

2. Antonyms for Combativeness include nonaggression, pacifism, satyagraha, peacemaking, non-violence, nonbelligerence, inaction, nonviolence, peaceful coexistence and peace-mongering

3. Antonyms for Contentiousness include nonaggression, pacifism, satyagraha, peacemaking, non-violence, nonbelligerence, inaction, nonviolence, peaceful coexistence and peace-mongering

4. In 1940 as a consequence of the German–Soviet Nonaggression Pact and its Secret Additional Protocol of August 1939 Estonia was occupied and annexed by the Soviet Union.

5. In these respects they differed from most previous Alliances, such as the partly secret German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (1939), which was concluded less than 10 days before Germany invaded Poland and started World War II