Use "non-polar" in a sentence

1. The non-polar portion of an Amphipathic molecule is

2. Additives enabling blending of polar and non-polar fuel components

3. The overall hydrophilic (polar) or lipophilic (non-polar) character of the Barbiturates is …

4. Amphipathic molecules are molecules having both polar and non-polar portions in their structure

5. An Amphipathic molecule is a molecule that has both polar and non-polar parts

6. The polar additive substantially compatibilizes the polar optical brightener with the non-polar polyolefin.

7. It is noteworthy that non-polar interactions are depressed in the presence of acetic acid.

8. The overall hydrophilic (polar) or lipophilic (non-polar) character of the Barbiturates is a function of:

9. Amphipathic Definition An Amphipathic molecule is a molecule that has both polar and non-polar parts

10. Alkenes are non-polar, and they are both immiscible in water and less dense than water

11. These compositions may optionally further comprise non-polar plasticizers and also catalysts, fillers and adhesion promoters.

12. In addition, the composition includes behenoxy dimethicone and a non-polar, non- volatile liquid emollient oil.

13. Surfactants, or surface-active substances, are molecules containing both polar (relatively charged) and non-polar groups.

14. Define Amphipathic: An Amphipathic is defined as a molecule which has both polar and non-polar parts

15. Carbon-based compounds – Are typically hydrophobic and non-polar, including materials such as activated carbon and graphite.

16. Amphipathic Definition An Amphipathic molecule is a molecule that has both polar and non-polar parts. Phospholipids, for example, have non-polar fatty acid “tails” and polar phosphate “heads.” “Polarity” is an important property of molecules that determines how they will …

17. Ketocarboxylic acids with non-polar radicals practically move with the mobile front and are separated in this way.

18. Pharmaceutical composition containing non-polar solvent fraction of ginger extract as active ingredients for preventing and treating overactive bladder

19. The acidity of Alkynes, non-polar bonding strength, and linearity is due to the triple bonds in these compounds

20. An Amphipathic or amphiphilic molecule has a part that is highly polar and a part that is highly non polar

21. As with solubility, the smaller chains of Aldehydes are soluble in water because of the smaller non-polar hydrocarbon chains.

22. The reason naphtha can pull the freebase DMT from the Basified solution is because freebase DMT is non-polar itself.

23. PMMA is resistant to weak acids and alkalis, salty solutions, aliphatic hydrocarbons, non-polar solvents fats, oils, water and detergents.

24. A passive crossover is an electronic circuit that uses a combination of one or more resistors, inductors, or non-polar capacitors.

25. After separation into polar and non-polar aromatic amines, it became clear that these differences are made by the polar aromatic amines.

26. Physical Properties of Alkyne• Alkyne is non- polar, have intermolecular forces are weak and have a molecular masssimilar to alkanes and alkenes.•

27. Ctenophores have a diffuse subepidermal net of non-polar neurons; beneath the comb rows, these neurons form an elongate mesh resembling nerve fibers.

28. Thanks to the addition of ethanol in the course of this step, anaerobic microorganisms converted the polar carboxylic acids into non-polar ones.

29. Acetonitrile Nitromethane Diehylamine Aniline Dimethylsulfoxide Ethylacetate Dioxane Acetone Dicholoroethane Tetrahydrofuran Dicholoromethane Chloroform Diethylether Benzene Toluene Xylene Carbontetrachloride Cyclohexane Petroleum ether Hexane Pentane Non-polar Polar

30. 8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid undergoes a blue shift and fluorescence increases when it binds to non-polar regions of a protein surface or membranes.

31. Because calcium carbonate is Architectonicids, pyramidellids, mathildids and hydrophilic, shells are probably others (Haszprunar, 1985, 1988; Ponder, 1991; due to lipids and non-polar proteins in either the War6n, 1993)

32. Amphipathic beta-strand: The Amphipathic beta-strand clusters have a 1-3 pattern of conserved non-polar sidechains, followed by a different set of conserved residues for each individual cluster in the motif

33. ‘You may need to redissolve in hot water, Basify to 9 or 10, add a non-polar solvent, and extract the solvent layer weekly for 3 weeks.’ ‘After removal of the Zinc by filtration, the filtrate was basified with concentrated NaOH and extracted with three 50-ml portions of ether.’

34. So small Amides can be soluble in water, but of course, as we've been discussing in these videos, as you increase this R group, as you increase the number of carbons, if you turn this into an R group, the more carbons you have, the more non-polar [unintelligible] you have, so you would decrease the solubility of Amides as you do that.

35. The correlation of the decreased apparent energies of activation with the specific solubility parameter of the solvents used in these investigations yields the solubility parameter of the PET-fibre: total solubility parameter:δT,PET = 9,9 (cal/ccm)1/2 hydrogen solubility parameter:δh,PET = 5,5 (cal/ccm)1/2 polar solubility parameter:δp,PET = 3 (Cal/ccm)1/2 non-polar solubility parameter:δnp,PET = 7,7 (cal/ccm)1/2. The activation energy of the short range diffusion of the chain segments in the amorphous regions in a swollen PET-fibre has been evaluated to 17 (kcal/mol).