Use "non excitable" in a sentence

1. He is excitable by temperament.

2. Puppies are naturally affectionate and excitable.

3. Pen was a very excitable person.

4. The horses have easily excitable nervous systems.

5. Louis is an excitable, quick-tempered person.

6. A puppy is naturally affectionate and excitable.

7. Perhaps he may become extremely nervous and excitable.

8. I remember our excitable forays into Flint.

9. Mary sat beside Elaine, who today seemed excitable.

10. Professor Buffo is a slightly clumsy and excitable U.N.I.Q.U.E

11. They are still drinking, and Tommy is still excitable.

12. Nerve cells are excitable - that is, they respond to stimuli.

13. 11 Mary sat beside Elaine, who today seemed excitable.

14. IntroductionTryptophan supplements are marketed worldwide as Calmatives for ‘excitable’ horses

15. She is very kind and friendly, but a bit excitable.

16. Excuse my brother if he talks too much, he's rather excitable.

17. The excitable Miss Coleman countermanded Rain's directions with inaccurate and unhelpful ones.

18. 24 Charman's curt reviews got slightly more excitable as the year drew on.

19. 2005, Review: Calmatives for the excitable horse: A review of L-tryptophan

20. Charman's curt reviews got slightly more excitable as the year drew on.

21. Former excitable Packer matured quickly into the most dynamic quarterback in the league.

22. 29 Former excitable Packer matured quickly into the most dynamic quarterback in the league.

23. On my first day's teaching, I had a class of highly excitable 5-year-olds.

24. This latest work discovered that beta-amyloid triggers more excitable and sensitive nerve cells.

25. Statistics can be notoriously unreliable, particularly in a sport as emotionally excitable as football.

26. He is so hot-tempered and excitable, like a bottle of soda water exploding.

27. 25 Former excitable Packer matured quickly into the most dynamic quarterback in the league.

28. Sam, a corgi cross who belongs to the Watts family in Marton, was excitable, though not malicious.

29. In the film, transferred to video by my technologically excitable family, Poppa is walking in his backyard garden.

30. She also noticed how excitable he was and how at times too much was expected of him.

31. Being an excitable sort of race there is an incredible number of things we would like to show you.

32. It was shown that the excitable alkaline earth atoms are products of the thermal dissociation of their oxides.

33. 15 Bayer was a passionate, excitable activist with boundless energy and a huge grassroots network of local contacts at his disposal.

34. Hugh had built up a following of excitable groupies and the ovations throughout were like the last night of Seinfeld.

35. Compiled, compounded, calibrated, Cogitated over, and coughed up every Wednesday by an exacting agglomeration of excitable (and often exemplary) expert edifiers

36. Emotive, alarming, cyclothymic, excitable, and exalted types of Accentuations have been found to equally prevail in female examinees (p<0.05).

37. Brooding is a social trait introduced with The Sims 3: Supernatural.It conflicts with the Excitable trait and is first available as a teen.

38. Non-Belligerences synonyms, non-Belligerences pronunciation, non-Belligerences translation, English dictionary definition of non-Belligerences

39. Non-Circumvention and non-disclosure

40. The paper describes the design and application of an active impedance bridge adapted to measure the impedances of the membranes of excitable biological cells.

41. Page 162 - nemo Christianorum presbyter, non mathematicus, non haruspex, non Aliptes

42. Non repudiation consists of the sender's non repudiation and receipt's non repudiation.

43. Afro american Development Association (AADA) is a non-governmental, non-religious, non-partisan, non-profit 501 (C) 3 humanitarian organization

44. Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated fruit flavoured drinks

45. • of non-alloy quality steel, non-alloy aluminium or non-age hardening aluminium alloys;

46. Building materials (non-metallic) except non-metallic doors and accessories for non-metallic doors

47. Cartel Coins are non-tradeable and non-transferable.

48. Humanas Actiones Non Ridere, Non Legere Sed Intellegere

49. Acquisition/disposal of non-produced non-financial assets

50. We're a non-sexist and non-racist employer.

51. She's a non-smoking, non-drinking fitness fanatic.

52. He describes her as “excitable, malicious, malignant, vengeful, unforgiving, selfish, stingy, avaricious, coarse, vulgar, profane, obscene, a furious blusterer on the outside and at heart a coward.”

53. While the Adrenaline Challenge is typically the grand finale of an excitable Fall/Winter season, this year’s tournament will kick off a string of game-filled weekends.

54. The Ctenophore nervous system is unique , with interconnected nerve nets (not just excitable epithelia) with synapses, but it lacks many of the neurotransmitters found in Bilateria 17, 18

55. Signalling panels, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal

56. 3 nemo illic archisynagogus Iudaeorum, nemo Samarites, nemo Christianorum presbyter non mathematicus, non haruspex, non Aliptes

57. Ahimsa or non-injury, of course, implies non-killing.

58. Aperitifs, non-alcoholic, non-alcoholic drinks containing plant extracts

59. Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non financial assets

60. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB He was moody, excitable, he drank more brandy than I was prepared to; he talked most Bombastically. THE CROW'S NEST CLARENCE DAY, JR

61. Non - linear

62. Non lending!

63. Non-uniqueness

64. Non - symmetric

65. Non-excludability

66. Non - uniqueness

67. Non placet!

68. Non - discrimination

69. Non - market

70. Non-believers.

71. Non- discrimination

72. Non trade

73. This paper discusses types of non - repudiation evidence , elements non - repudiation evidence and validity non - repudiation evidence.

74. Non-symmetric

75. Character Connections: Maddox (Ex-Partner, Lizardfolk), Beldamme (Ex-Mistress, Elven), Mikha (Sister), Misha (Sister), Vale (Biological mother) Personality: Optimistic, excitable, and loud to a fault, Meredith is very warm and

76. non sense

77. non linear

78. Non including.

79. Blissfully Humble, Non-Profit, Charlotte Non-Profits, Charity, Helping Community

80. • 370 Retiring allowances – Adjustment/non-eligible (RA – adj non eligible)