Use "nocturnal" in a sentence

1. Hamsters are nocturnal creatures.

2. Most bats are nocturnal.

3. Aardvarks are nocturnal animals.

4. Beth Ditto, Actress: Nocturnal Animals

5. BEHAVIOUR: Boatbill is a nocturnal heron

6. Bubo are either crepuscular or nocturnal

7. Aardvarks are notoriously elusive, nocturnal mammals

8. We're not all nocturnal, you know!

9. Amphiuma tridactylum is a nocturnal carnivore

10. Al occasionally takes a nocturnal stroll.

11. House Centipedes are nocturnal hunters and foragers

12. The Amur leopard is habitually nocturnal and solitary.

13. The leopard is largely a nocturnal hunter.

14. Polypterus palmas is a nocturnal, predatory species.

15. Bed wetting at night is called nocturnal enuresis

16. Chinchillas are nocturnal, being more active during the night

17. Adaptable body rhythms, as easily nocturnal as diurnal.

18. 16 Adaptable body rhythms, as easily nocturnal as diurnal.

19. 6 Polypterus palmas is a nocturnal,[] predatory species.

20. The koala is a nocturnal, tree dwelling marsupial mammal.

21. The night was noisy with its own nocturnal sounds.

22. Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.

23. Unfortunately, your nocturnal activities don't count as service to the Reich.

24. In general, prosimians tend to be nocturnal (in contrast to diurnal Anthropoids, excluding the nocturnal Aotus, owl monkey) and have a smaller brain/body ratio than Anthropoids.

25. The Addax is mainly a nocturnal animal, especially so in the summer

26. Armadillos are nocturnal and nomadic, so shooting is usually not practical.

27. He also developed a battery-electric alarm system for nocturnal fishing.

28. It is nocturnal and rests in deep burrows during the day.

29. I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season.

30. Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light

31. 1–3 The Aye-Aye is nocturnal and keeps mainly to the

32. It is arboreal and nocturnal, inhabiting forests from Belize to northern Colombia.

33. Aardwolves are shy and nocturnal animals that sleep in burrows by day

34. Adult Antlions, however, have obvious antennae, are weak fliers, and are nocturnal

35. Adults have a wingspan between 16 and 18 mm and are generally nocturnal.

36. Unlike most members of his research team, Cantor was not a nocturnal creature.

37. Bobcats are elusive and nocturnal, so they are rarely spotted by humans

38. Nocturnal enuresis or Bedwetting is the involuntary release of urine during sleep

39. Nocturnal animals such as bats and owls only come out at night.

40. And then I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season.

41. The good news is, you’re awake when you’re performing the action unlike nocturnal Bruxism

42. As nighttime animals, Bats avoid direct competition with birds, few of which are nocturnal.

43. Other nocturnal feeders will shadow the active goatfish, waiting patiently for overlooked morsels.

44. Some animals are mistakenly considered to be nocturnal although they are actually Crepuscular.

45. Nine-banded Armadillos are nocturnal and spend their waking time burrowing or feeding

46. Primarily nocturnal, Gaboon vipers have a reputation for being slow-moving and placid.

47. Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. The statistics presented here describe small, insectivorous bats.

48. To conserve body moisture and snare the nocturnal kangaroo we may travel at night.

49. 14 It could be Fenella returning home - or it could be a nocturnal prowler.

50. Cheeky is an inexpensive way to help reduce the discomfort associated with nocturnal teeth grinding

51. ‘Thus it may normally be Crepuscular or nocturnal in its feeding and swimming behavior.’ ‘Most communication systems in luminescent fireflies have been studied in nocturnal species; little is known concerning communication in Crepuscular and diurnal species.’

52. But napping within four hours of bedtime may be detrimental to healthy nocturnal rest.

53. Most nocturnal grazing animals such as deer close their pupil as a horizontal shutter.

54. Synonyms for Crepuscular include twilightish, nocturnal, twilight, dawn, twilit, nighttime, nightly, late, night and dusky

55. Aardvarks are nocturnal, which means they are awake at night and asleep during the day

56. One of the most voracious nocturnal predators is also one of the hardest to see.

57. Bush Stone-Curlews are mainly nocturnal and specialise in hunting small grassland animals, mainly invertebrates

58. Cheeky is an inexpensive way to help reduce the discomfort associated with nocturnal teeth grinding

59. The day-flying species are usually more strikingly colored and vibrant than the nocturnal ones.

60. She would interrupt her nocturnal peregrinations to stuff into herself anything she could find to eat.

61. An example of a nocturnal invasion of warm air from aloft is described in detail.

62. Churring nightjars The call of the nightjar The nocturnal nightjar is one of our strangest birds

63. Even with Begrimes-Clo Academy’s nocturnal student body, the school’s basement seemed eerily quiet at night

64. When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.

65. The stone marten is a predatory nocturnal mammal with feeding habits similar to those of domestic cats.

66. A solitary and nocturnal member of the hyena family, the Aardwolf specializes in feeding on termites

67. Psychic changes have been commonly observed, as well as daytime somnolence, nocturnal insomnia, and partial blindness.

68. Corroboree (plural Corroborees) A nocturnal dance held by Australian Aborigines, for social, celebratory or warlike purposes

69. Referred to as nocturnal enuresis, Bedwetting is actually more common in teenagers than you might think

70. Angwantibo: name for slow-moving, nocturnal, arboreal primates of the family Lorisidae, found Africa and Asia

71. I've been lucky enough to answer some of these questions as I've explored this nocturnal world.

72. The Perdido Key beach mouse is a nocturnal animal, spending most daylight hours in their burrows.

73. Individuals may be diurnal or nocturnal and solitary or social depending on season, habitat and hunting pressure.

74. During their nocturnal forays, they can travel as far as 30 miles in their search for supper.

75. Most owls are nocturnal, hunting at night for similar prey to the diurnal or day-hunting hawks.

76. The Bush Stone-Curlew, or Bush Thick-knee, is a large, slim, mainly nocturnal, ground-dwelling bird

77. Bedwetting (also known as nocturnal enuresis) affects around half a million children and teenagers in the UK

78. Nocturnal enuresis, also known as Bedwetting, is a sleep disorder characterized by involuntary urination during the night

79. The fancy name for Bedwetting, or sleep wetting, is nocturnal (nighttime) enuresis (say: en-yoo-REE-sus)

80. Weighing in at about five pounds (2.5 kg), the Aye-Aye is the largest of all nocturnal primates