Use "nightjars" in a sentence

1. Bullbats, Nightjars, and Goatsuckers

2. Churring is the "song" that Nightjars make when they become active well after sunset

3. Churring nightjars The call of the nightjar The nocturnal nightjar is one of our strangest birds

4. Australian Owlet-nightjars make a variety of sounds, the most commonly heard calls include a series of soft Churring notes

5. Nightjars' eerie Churring is best heard starting at 2:15 in the video where we were agonisingly close! (unfortunately, despit

6. Like the unrelated swifts and nightjars, which hunt in a similar way, they have short bills, but strong jaws and a wide gape.

7. A sense of satisfaction comes from learning the names of not just imposing eagles, peacocks, and swans but also the easily overlooked nightjars and earthcreepers.