Use "new ruling" in a sentence

1. All exchange rates are susceptible to political instability and anticipations about the new ruling party.

2. It is up to the new ruling authorities, led by the avuncular chairman of the transitional national council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, to balance the two.

3. In anticipation of the new ruling , 30,000 new vehicles were registered in the past week , at least three times the normal rate , Xinhua state news agency .

4. "In The Bureaucrat kings: the Origins and Underpinnings of America's Bureaucratic State, Paul Moreno indicts the American administrative state and our new ruling class, its chief beneficiary.A professor of history at Hillsdale College, he writes as a historian but also a citizen in rejecting the inherent beneficence or historical inevitability of social "reform" and "progress."