Use "never again" in a sentence

1. That we will never again endure injustice.

2. He never again aspired to disobey her.

3. I shall never again doubt the faithfulness of Scripture.

4. Hospitals, doctors, and dentists will never again be needed.

5. Biafran war remembered but many Igbo vow ‘Never again

6. Never again, I will wake up with a bitter taste.

7. And you will never again be haughty in my holy mountain.

8. But you can never again set foot on your native soil.

9. Iran will never again have carte blanche to dominate the Middle East.

10. Never again will God be hidden from his children on the earth.

11. Never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands.

12. More importantly , she never again stood at the back of the line .

13. British bankers threatened that they would never again invest in these untrustworthy Americans.

14. Imagine planning together for an everlasting future, never again to say good-bye!

15. And yet he withstood the urge of self-annihilation never again contemplating suicide.

16. A group of Stoneman Douglas students also founded the advocacy group Never Again MSD.

17. Never again miss any deadline with the fully integrated calendar and tasks from Basenet

18. Never again will social classes be allowed to divide the worldwide brotherhood of man.

19. + Such algum timbers have never again been brought in or seen down to this day.

20. I vowed that day that never again would I be helpless in the face of tyranny.

21. I pledged to never again go home with some one on the spur of the moment.

22. Of course, marriage will never again be as stable or predictable as when women lacked alternatives.

23. We have enjoyed dining in the restaurant, but will never again order carry out from Awash

24. 20 The prince proclaimed that the charming new princess would never again touch a spinning wheel.

25. once out of childhood you'd never again know the shock of your father's whiskers on your cheek,

26. Now that you've sown doubts in my mind, I'll never again be sure I can trust him.

27. Ardipithecus Ramidus Apocalypticus Suspended in coprolite Embedded in the earth, never to destroy it again Never Again

28. He would never again see Natalie, nor even once lay eyes on the baby he had fathered.

29. While never again active in the organisation, Benenson was later personally reconciled with other executives, including Seán MacBride.

30. Alexander's disappointment was indescribable; he now thought that he would never again be able to have more than temporary relief.

31. (Isaiah 9:5) The tremors caused by the tramping of the boots of marching soldiers will never again be felt.

32. FATHER was furious and vowed that he would never again have anything to do with religion—and he kept his word.

33. Despite these upgrades, the entire Brillant series was discontinued in 1951 and Voigtländer would never again make a TLR or

34. For ladies in your way are apt to extend what they call their privileges and the husband never again recovers the ascendant.

35. Never(sentence dictionary), never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.

36. True, over a period of time, you may be able to repair the damage, but the relationship may never again be quite the same.

37. I had to get into Iraq somehow, or I would never again be able to face myself, my wife, or that one-armed fuckhead Dave.

38. Think about it: Why would an impostor risk “prophesying” something over which he would have absolutely no control—that mighty Babylon would never again be inhabited?

39. On his knees he swore: “I do abjure . . . the said errors and heresies . . . I shall never again speak . . . such things as might bring me under similar suspicion.”

40. Head coach K. C. Jones retired at season's end, and the Celtics of the Bird-McHale-Parish era would never again advance past the conference semi-finals.

41. I speak simply as a soldier of the Last War whose most earnest prayer it is that such cruel and destructive madness shall never again overtake mankind.

42. Acronym Generator Never again will you struggle over coming up with a catchy title and Acronym for your project! Let the ParaDucks Acronym Generator do the work for you

43. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies in the Book of Mormon laid down their weapons of war and buried them deep in the earth, covenanting never again to take up arms against their brethren.

44. If you realize that life is a one-way street, you will never again passing the same scenery, then you should go to enjoy life wholeheartedly, and that is the essence of happiness.

45. In other words, once Christ was resurrected, His body could never again be separated from His spirit; otherwise He would suffer death, the very consequence Paul said was no longer possible after His Resurrection.

46. Soon, now, the Grand Creator of this earth will act to cleanse it of all selfish polluters, so that never again will the beauties of our earthly home be despoiled by acid rain or any other industrial blight.

47. Absent - mindedly he looks for her everywhere in the house , only to realise that he will never again see her on this earth . " My house is small and what once has gone from it can never be regained .

48. This was a revelation to me and never again did I worry about my feeling of nervousness when I went to the wicket , By his advice Duleepsinhji helped me a great deal not only in my cricket but also in life .

49. View in context Now Doubt - now Pain Come never again, For her soul gives me sigh for sigh, And All day long Shines, bright and strong, Astarté within the sky, While ever to her dear Eulalie upturns her matron eye

50. With Maui Jim® Bifocal reader sunglasses, you’ll never again have to switch back and forth between sunglasses and readers, even on the brightest days! Choose from +1.5, +2.0, and +2.5 power, plus further customize your polarized reader sunglasses by selecting from almost any …

51. 17 Their sleeping adust was to be brestored unto its cperfect frame, dbone to his bone, and the sinews and the flesh upon them, the espirit and the body to be united never again to be divided, that they might receive a fulness of fjoy.

52. Rikyū presented each of his guests with a piece of the equipment as a souvenir, with the exception of the bowl, which he shattered, as he uttered the words: "Never again shall this cup, polluted by the lips of misfortune, be used by man."

53. Present at the Almighty our prayers, so that, well quickly, on us the mercies go down from the Lord ; and seize yourself the antique snake, which isn’t other than the devil or Satan, to precipitate it connected in the abysses, in kind that it can allure never again nations (AP 20).

54. With torn and broken bread, we signify that we remember the physical body of Jesus Christ—a body that was buffeted with pains, afflictions, and temptations of every kind,19 a body that bore a burden of anguish sufficient to bleed at every pore,20 a body whose flesh was torn and whose heart was broken in crucifixion.21 We signify our belief that while that same body was laid to rest in death, it was raised again to life from the grave, never again to know disease, decay, or death.22 And in taking the bread to ourselves, we acknowledge that, like Christ’s mortal body, our bodies will be released from the bonds of death, rise triumphantly from the grave, and be restored to our eternal spirits.23