Use "neutrino" in a sentence

1. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory detected three neutrino candidates within ±500 seconds of GW150914.

2. There are six quarks (up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom), and six leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino).

3. IceCube is a neutrino telescope.

4. Many subsequent radiochemical and water Cherenkov detectors confirmed the deficit, but neutrino oscillation was not conclusively identified as the source of the deficit until the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory provided clear evidence of neutrino flavor change in 2001.

5. Adding pre-processors to the neutrino-counters boosted efficiency.

6. 12 A neutron decays into a proton, electron and neutrino.

7. Some scientists have hypothesized that advanced civilizations may send neutrino signals.

8. It will house researchers from fields as diverse as neutrino astronomy, cosmology, seismology and atmospheric physics.

9. If Alpha Orionis Were about to go supernova there would be silicon flashes neutrino emissions....

10. Results were also obtained for Fermion masses and neutrino oscillations from non-abelian discrete symmetries.

11. As the density increases, neutrino emission is cut off as they become trapped in the core.

12. The annihilation into a neutrinoantineutrino pair is also possible, but the probability is predicted to be negligible.

13. The lepton with electric charge is commonly simply referred to as a 'charged lepton' while the neutral lepton is called a neutrino.

14. Partly motivated by the discovery of neutrino oscillation, the field has undergone rapid development, both theoretically and experimentally, since the early 2000s.

15. We also show how masses must be assumed for the construction of higher than bilinear forms in the neutrino and electron fields.

16. Neutron-Antineutron oscillations –an experimentalist’s perspective The oscillation probability of an neutron to an Antineutron can be evaluate in analogous ways to neutrino oscillation probability

17. Is the neutrino its own Antiparticle? Date: January 29, 2016 Source: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) Summary: Almost every particle has an antimatter counterpart: a …

18. Luk has published numerous papers on neutrino oscillation (see selected publications), including his Panofsky Prize winning research at the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant.

19. For the neutrino super-beam and the beta beam the oscillation parameters would be measured 130 km away in the Fréjus tunnel under the Alps.

20. Collectively, the EUROnu project addressed the technical challenges of the accelerator facilities and of the detector options necessary to measure the neutrino oscillation parameters and produced appropriate design proposals.

21. Earlier computations indicated that a nondisruptive mass loss would be possible in some cases, but later star modeling taking neutrino energy loss into account indicates no such mass loss.

22. The neutron-Antineutron transformation is a key prediction of certain popular theories of baryogenesis, and the experiments such as the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and the European Spallation Source plan to search for this process with bound- and free-neutron systems

23. Antidromic Trigrams Vorblick (m.) (Vermessung) milliard تحديد lieskakupu neutrino be ardent you may leave us tamper faint zwischen embankment modique to go on deck tirade incur expenditures asphalt mastic go on, continue (Internet) blindhed potpuni latinski kvadrat chlorohydrin rubber நரம்பியல்

24. Appetence; appetency rzutowy bellows (n.) strength echo itchy neutrino kunligi Kyouhou era (1716.6.22-1736.4.28) overload choix corporate dance candle (n.) capable of adapting; versatile, usable in different conditions silent, still hope глобальная система связи emigrovat half-tone process Всё начинается с

25. Investigating convection boundary uncoupling and [[hydrogen-alpha emission]]s, and having considered [[shock wave]] delay, Dr. Timicin found that he needed to account for [[neutron]] migration in his calculations, which already included the [[deep convection pattern]]s, the [[proton reaction]]s, and the [[neutrino]] count.

26. 1 Collider production 2 Upgrade a collider 2.1 Upgrade the speed of Colliders 2.2 Upgrade the cost of Colliders 3 Collisions 4 Collider Types 4.1 God of Taps 4.2 Quantum Foam 4.3 Photon 4.4 Neutrino 4.5 Electron 4.6 Quark A collider generates a particle, every time their progress bar is full