Use "nests" in a sentence

1. Golden eagle nests, while large, are generally smaller and flatter than Bald eagle nests

2. Robins build nests almost anywhere.

3. What about the spider nests?

4. Curlews frequently build nests near cow patties or bushes to help hide the nests from predators

5. Bulbuls build their nests in bushes

6. Nests are rarely located in dense alkali areas of beaches2 . Nests are sometimes found beside small rocks.

7. The rooks flew clumsily towards their nests.

8. Little globular houses like mud - wasp nests.

9. The rooks flew Clumsily towards their nests

10. The Key Largo woodrat builds nests out of sticks; these nests can be as high as a man's shoulder.

11. She lays her eggs in other nests

12. They use feathers to line their nests.

13. Most non-parasitic Cuckoos build fragile platform nests

14. A number of wasp species build paper nests.

15. Nests in tree cavities have also been noted.

16. Cormorants build nests of seaweed, reed and twigs

17. The birds will steal material from other nests.

18. Hens sometimes lay eggs in other Canvasback nests, and Redhead ducks, well-known brood parasites, often lay their eggs in Canvasback nests

19. Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests.

20. The rooftops of once posh hotels became snipers nests.

21. Flak fire from the gunners' nests on the near hills.

22. Fynings Moor, Rogate, two nests in 1963 and 19

23. Bluebirds are quite tolerant of human monitoring of their nests

24. Occasionally, nests are found in upland fields adjacent to wetlands.

25. It is the only wagtail species that nests in trees.

26. Cuckoos famously lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

27. Being a leafcutter bee, these nests are lined with cut leaves.

28. This nest is called the mixed nests is indeed heterogeneous commensalism.

29. 3 See birds building nests,( incubating eggs and rearing young.

30. Parasitic beetles often make their homes in the nests of ants.

31. It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.

32. Cuckoos famously lay their eggs in the nests of other birds

33. Although they make shallow burrows, they usually build nests above ground.

34. They build nests above water in tree stumps and use vegetation.

35. In places where there are many Cystoids, nests may also be found

36. Compaction of sand from people walking over nests can slow hatchling emergence.

37. The Anhinga is a rare visitor and only occasionally nests in Tennessee

38. Therefore, suitable, adequately distributed nests should be provided in housing systems.

39. The caterpillars normally live in large communal nests in tree branches.

40. Fruit and cream meringue nests Slice strawberries and drizzle with kirsch.

41. The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs.

42. Anhingas like to make their nests in trees that hang over water

43. The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank.

44. 11 Gorillas construct nests out of foliage every night to sack out.

45. Animals rested in its shade, and birds made their nests in its branches.

46. Although the alates were more abundant in queenless nests than in queenright nests, the negative effect of queens on the production was not so strong as in the species hitherto reported.

47. All honeyBees are social insects and live together in nests or hives

48. Cryptic Meliponine nests are often fairly Cryptic and can be difficult to locate

49. Nesting habits: Female Bluebirds build tight cup nests atop a looser built base

50. Africanized bees have small colonies, so they can build nests in unique places

51. So, you are observing some Chitter-pitter sound from your attic? Probably, squirrels have built their nests in your home, and now they are going to raise babies in these cozy nests

52. Air-dried samples of worm casts, robin nests, or swallow nests added to steamed soil resulted in development of vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizae in the roots of soybean (Glycine max (L.)

53. We Botanise, we look for nests, we geologise, we study birds through glasses

54. Known for large nests and a defensive nature, Baldfaced hornets are an impressive

55. On this Apiary bee nests in all 30 families have to be rebuilt

56. Flamingos choose to build their nests on lakes that are remote and inaccessible.

57. 11 A cuckoo is able to lay in a range of different nests.

58. It seemed as though rival nests of ants had been poured together willy-nilly.

59. And become like a dove that nests along the sides of the gorge.’”

60. Speaking of adhesives, the robins use natural mud as a cement for their nests.

61. Females dig nests on land and lay eggs between late spring and mid-summer.

62. Chinook dig out gravel nests (redds) on stream bottoms where they lay their eggs

63. The nests of Crested Bellbirds often have live, hairy caterpillars placed around the rim

64. Swallows whipped low across the fields, while rooks flew clumsily towards their high nests.

65. Magpies are attracted to small shiny objects which they carry away to their nests.

66. These nests increase in size each year, and can eventually weigh down the branch.

67. These small Alcids create nests high on the branches of inland old growth trees

68. Pharmaceutical preparations made from or containing ginseng, lingzhi mushrooms, bird's nests and/or aloes

69. The Armenian gull nests beside mountain lakes in Georgia, Armenia, Turkey and western Iran.

70. Bananaquits may also build nests in man-made objects, such as lampshades and garden trellises

71. It usually nests near water, laying around three eggs in a scrape on the ground.

72. Altricial birds generally have two nests each summer containing about four to six eggs each

73. The white-rumped swallow is solitary and nests in distributed pairs during the breeding season.

74. They examine abandoned nests for prey remains, dissect pellets and talk frequently to local shepherds.

75. —The Flying Aggressors build hives (nests) and breed in high-rise buildings in abandoned urban areas

76. So we were very excited when we captured our first pair of orangutan nests on camera.

77. The nests in the vines are safe from foxes and raccoons and cats that are about.

78. 19 All birds of this species are programmed to build their nests in the same way.

79. Some tiny birds take bold risks to gather a Beakful of hair for their nests

80. Some tiny birds take bold risks to gather a Beakful of hair for their nests