Use "nerve-racking" in a sentence

1. Yes, it can be nerve-racking.

2. Trying, nerve-racking situations can develop in life.

3. It lasted a nerve-racking eight months.

4. Medical appointments and hospital stays can be nerve-racking.

5. It was a nerve-racking drive up the mountain.

6. My wedding was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever experienced.

7. He faced a nerve-racking wait for her test results.

8. Especially in a nerve-racking setting, like a job interview?

9. Fran faced a nerve-racking wait for her test results.

10. He had no thoughts save for the nerve-racking, body- destroying toil.

11. Being too closely tied to one stock can be nerve-racking.

12. Fran faced a nerve-racking wait for her medical test results.

13. Most nerve-racking, he was so hard, or can't get ideal achievement.

14. Soderberg had a nerve-racking time, which seemed to be over by late 19

15. Although a victim may be unharmed physically, such a nerve-racking experience can cause serious aftereffects.

16. I also discovered that being a guest on a talk show is pretty nerve-racking.

17. The women and children spent a nerve-racking day outside waiting while fighting continued around them.

18. 23 I also discovered that being a guest on a talk show is pretty nerve-racking.

19. It is never too early to score, but Sunderland faced a nerve-racking 55 minutes after that breakthrough.

20. Superlative in its natural beauty, rugged, vexing, complex and slightly nerve-racking, Bolivia is one of South America’s most diverse and intriguing nations.

21. Likewise, we've endured the ever-dreaded swimsuit competition and the nerve-racking interview segment, in which at least one contestant routinely flops.

22. It was nerve-racking, having him watch her as she slid her feet out of bed, and pushed them into soft mules.

23. The other problem is the increased chance of the condom slipping off. That is not only nerve-racking but also awkward for everyone involved.

24. Designed to elicit intense excitement and nerve-racking tension, thrillers create suspense by placing the protagonist in a perilous situation from which escape seems impossible.

25. It is a fairly nerve-racking procedure if done by hand, but it definitely increases your confidence in dealing with the rest of the installation.

26. CLEVELAND - Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James tells a newspaper that a cancer scare earlier this year was "nerve-racking" and had him on edge for a few days.

27. In realized you live the train of thought low-spirited is nerve-racking, fixes your gaze on the faint smile, all is a trace which moves.

28. It was 12 May 19 and the forty-one-year-old King was about to face one of the greatest- and most nerve-racking — days of his life: his coronation.

29. But it might also encourage the conferees to play to the gallery, a nerve-racking prospect for Wall Street given the surge in anti-bank sentiment over the course of this year.

30. I was like, 'Yeah, we have a lot of oil in Scotland. ' I didn't know what to say. It was a bit nerve-racking. We were guests of honor of the vice mayor.

31. Researchers found that 57 per cent of people found entertaining friends for a meal more nerve-racking than commuting to work, while a quarter said it was more testing than a job interview.

32. At times, it was nerve-racking, especially when two buses going in opposite directions crossed a rickety bridge at the same time, passing so close that there was hardly room for a piece of tissue paper between them.

33. We all have that favorite aunt we would give the world for and sometimes when that special day like her birthday, Mother’s Day or Christmas is fast approaching, finding the best gifts for Aunts is a nerve-racking process

34. Batty battles nerves on long overdue return to Tests Gareth Batty celebrates a wicket in Chittagong CRICKET By DAVID CHARLESWORTH ENGLAND spinner Gareth Batty admitted his first Test appearance for more than 11 years was the most nerve-racking moment of a …