Use "negligible" in a sentence

1. The risks were represented as negligible.

2. His knowledge of English is negligible.

3. My knowledge of German is negligible.

4. Qua literature the work is negligible.

5. The difference in cost would be negligible.

6. Without the topsoil, water retention is negligible.

7. The movement of electron is Conceptionally negligible

8. Material damage to the ship was negligible.

9. The damage to my car is negligible.

10. Losses in trade this year were negligible.

11. The damage done to his property was negligible.

12. The difference between the two products is negligible.

13. 4 Without the topsoil, water retention is negligible.

14. He is a negligible person in the government.

15. The pay that the soldiers received was negligible.

16. The amount going to charter schools is negligible.

17. The cost of maintaining the machine is negligible.

18. Delays in the courts are far from negligible.

19. Adjustment costs, as studied by UNCTAD, were not negligible

20. At small levels of chemical output, pollution is negligible.

21. The difference between your wages and mine is negligible.

22. All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible.

23. Cells with hydroperiods less than 6 months accumulated negligible fish biomass.

24. 1 The company says the cost of relocation will be negligible.

25. The company says the cost of relocation will be negligible.

26. The balance was carbonaceous fraction , the nonflammable inorganic fraction was negligible.

27. Maybe effrontery would dismiss him as too negligible to pursue.

28. For a solid, the distinction between the two is usually negligible.

29. Moreover, our contribution to the stock of carbon dioxide is negligible.

30. There is a negligible difference in meaning between these two words.

31. The chances of a healthy adult contracting the disease are negligible.

32. On the scales of eternity our life span is a negligible speck.

33. There was a negligible amount of rain in that region last year.

34. Motions are assumed to be small so that acceleration terms are negligible.

35. Olive oil slightly decreased the PhlP formation, but it was nearly negligible.

36. Olive oil slightly decreased the PhIP formation, but it was nearly negligible.

37. Senior managers are convinced that the strike will have a negligible impact.

38. A conventional style of driving will, however, lead to a negligible extra load.

39. The overall toxicological risk from human exposure to Anthraquinone is considered negligible

40. 6 This correction is usually negligible for the most marriageable age groups.


42. In ocean waves, surface tension effects are negligible for wavelengths above a few decimetres.

43. Yet, Greene is emphatic that if there is any illegal dumping, it is negligible.

44. However, Adosterol scintigraphy revealed negligible uptake at the upper portion of the left adrenal

45. Concerning diamonds, there are reports alleging illicit alluvial mining, but actual activity is negligible.

46. The probability therefore of informal banking existing is either very negligible or none at all

47. 22 However, the water temperature is 20 degrees below, the saturation vapor pressure is negligible.

48. Concerning diamonds, there are reports alleging illicit alluvial mining, but actual activity is negligible

49. The effectiveness of short term actions in 2010 becomes negligible (see also table 1).

50. 27 However, the water temperature is 20 degrees below, the saturation vapor pressure negligible.

51. They argued that only a negligible rise in atmosphere radioactivity resulted from the test.

52. The dimension is called the upper critical dimension above which excluded volume is negligible.

53. The model is particularly suited to software as the cost of distribution is negligible.

54. Process-related CO2 emissions from adipic acid production are not inventoried and are considered negligible.

55. Still, with the population growing at 2 percent annually, per capita economic growth is negligible.

56. There's a phenomenon which you have written about and spoken about, which is a negligible senescence.

57. Tidal action on bath tubs, swimming pools, lakes, and other small bodies of water is negligible.

58. Before the irradiation, the paraelectric part of the permittivity was negligible in all examined materials.

59. The screen absorbs a non negligible part of the total current instead of the plate.

60. In comparison with the disastrous damage made by the earthquake, my personal loss is negligible.

61. Let us choose a coal which upon combustion yields 0. Natural gas Produces negligible 50

62. In the alternative, the Hellenic Government argues that the protective effect of the charge is negligible .

63. 9 In comparison with the disastrous damage made by the earthquake, my personal loss is negligible.

64. (Laughter) There's a phenomenon which you have written about and spoken about, which is a negligible senescence.

65. However, even in advanced capitalist countries, the economic effect of degradation and erosion may not be negligible.

66. Day and night noise levels along the access road during midlife are predicted to be negligible.

67. For substances that are not absorbed following oral ingestion, systemic exposure is negligible (or even non-existent).

68. Actually, this positive impact of convergence on prices is not negligible from consumers' point of view.

69. These import levels cannot be considered to be negligible either in absolute or in relative terms.

70. Using object replication, it automatically generates duplicate versions of objects on multiple disks with negligible overheads.

71. The amount of traffic from Member States other than Portugal landing at the Azores airports is negligible.

72. The activity of resale of the product concerned accounts for a negligible amount of its total company turnover.

73. Amino acids are not stable in water and in the ancient ocean would exist in only negligible quantities.

74. In the frequency range of uniform response (amplitude error less ±5%) the phase distortion is also negligible.

75. The annihilation into a neutrino–antineutrino pair is also possible, but the probability is predicted to be negligible.

76. Some edibles contain a negligible amount of THC and are instead dominant in other cannabinoids, most commonly cannabidiol (CBD).

77. Mr William K. Reilly, the agency's administrator, said the immediate cancer risk to children from fungicide residues was negligible.

78. The aminoaciduria was negligible in all persons, but it corresponded with the total increase of plasma amino nitrogen.

79. Expertises confirm that there is no afterglow when the plates are flamed, while smoke gas development is negligible.

80. For example , electricity can be generated from wind energy which incurs negligible operation costs and is environment friendly .