Use "neglecting" in a sentence

1. Walter, you're neglecting your guests.

2. □ Neglecting association at congregation meetings

3. Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs.

4. 24 He was dismissed for neglecting his duty.

5. Are we neglecting personal or family prayer?

6. □ Husband working late or neglecting family for other duties

7. Neglecting our spiritual health may lead to great pains

8. What is involved in not neglecting God’s house today?

9. His employer censured him for neglecting his work.

10. You can't justify neglecting your wife and children.

11. His employer censured hello m for neglecting hellos work.

12. What a price to pay for neglecting their spiritual obligations!

13. His wife set about upbraiding him for neglecting the children.

14. Neglecting your work, it should have been full by now!

15. Neglecting duties, an unfriendly attitude towards people, poor communication skills...

16. His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties.

17. Some get angry at the departed one for neglecting his health.

18. Neglecting friction and air resistance, the pendulum's mechanical energy is constant.

19. I was working too hard and I was neglecting the family.

20. Notice that neglecting the love [Agapen] of God is neglecting what God has commanded relative to seeking the welfare of others instead of benefiting oneself, (Jn 14:15, 21)

21. 14, 15. (a) How can we avoid ‘neglecting the house of our God’?

22. About the novel, many people overemphasize its objective factors while neglecting the subjective consciousness.

23. As a result, the Levites had to work in their fields, neglecting their ministry.

24. Neglecting a carbuncle will cause -- deal sternly with evil - doers will lead to serious trouble.

25. Soon, Barker was neglecting the farm and spending most of his time in the casino.

26. " Charlie, you are neglecting a part of your duty, " he observed to Drouet most affably.

27. A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour's. 

28. 1 A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour's. 

29. It means finding time for physical exercise and recreation, without neglecting the more important spiritual activities.

30. Antonyms for Conspiring include disagreeing, neglecting, leaving alone, dividing, separating, withdrawing, ingenuous, artless, guileless and innocent

31. Just because I give a little fledgling some encouragement does not mean that I am neglecting you.

32. Neglecting fine detail, the magnetic susceptibility shows a trend similar to that of the Ag—Pd mixed crystals.

33. (Acts 20:35) Neglecting to give our best actually robs Jehovah of “the tenth parts” due him. —Mal.


35. “Neglecting the human rights catastrophe in North Korea is no longer viable,” said John Sifton, Asia advocacy director.

36. There were no major cases on hand and he had no excuse for neglecting the routine administrative work.

37. Nevertheless, neglecting nutrition can leave you prone to infection and illness, and that will only aggravate your distress.

38. However, the story can be simplified without losing its essence by neglecting the helium for the time being.

39. Most of its partisans had focused mainly on military actions, neglecting political efforts necessary to mobilize mass support.

40. Backups have a reputation for being cumbersome to create, maintain and manage, which sometimes results in users neglecting to perform them

41. Generally, relative parotid volumes have been evaluated for treatment outcome and planning constraints, neglecting that absolute parotid volumes can vary significantly.

42. It defines corruption as the Bribability of public officials and politicians, thus neglecting corrupt practices within the private sector

43. People are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can't do. Edgar Watson Howe 

44. (4) From Matthew's account we learn that the conduct of Christ's disciples in neglecting fasting was Animadverted on by the disciples of

45. (4) From Matthew's account we learn that the conduct of Christ's disciples in neglecting fasting was Animadverted on by the disciples of

46. Be careful not to forget the LORD, your God, by neglecting his commandments and decrees and statutes which I enjoin on you today.

47. Listed companies are keen on equity capital financing while neglecting debt capital financing, and meanwhile tremendous raised capital remains intact or entrusted for investment.

48. Just as important, a change in mindset is needed where both abusers and those who protect them by neglecting their duty are held accountable.”

49. Athaliah’s unbridled ambition to be sole ruler of Judah resulted not only in the neglecting of the temple but also in the pillaging of it.

50. After watching for hours for signs of our boat, the elders tired and fell asleep, neglecting to turn on the second light, the lower light.

51. They are guessing the meaning of the phrasal verb solely literally, inferring the meaning of phrasal verb largely influenced by L1 and neglecting the context to infer its meaning.

52. In concentrating on production and consumption flows, national accounts aggregate or net out such data, thus neglecting the importance of financing and balance-sheet leverage and fragilities.

53. For the influence of long time tradition of stressing substance and neglecting procedure, the civil action system of china could not embody the new ideal of modern monocracy .

54. Rather than neglecting them, as the world often does, let us assign them dignity and honor and thus reflect the loving viewpoint of our ageless heavenly Father. —Prov.

55. Hence the Pharisees not only loved [agapate] the most important seats but also loved [philousin] the most important seats, (Mt 23:5-7), neglecting the love [Agapen] and the

56. The fact that many Aposematic animals use both plant-based pigments and sequestered poisonous molecules to become Aposematic emphasizes the absurdity of neglecting the Aposematic nature of so many plants.

57. Yet they haven't been able to do that even in Texas, which is willing both to impose great pain (by its stinginess on health care) and to shortchange the future (by neglecting education).

58. (Job 42:8) He accepted reproof for being too anxious to declare himself righteous and neglecting to vindicate God (Job 32:2), and he acknowledged his sins to God. —Job 42:1-6.

59. Perhaps it was the feeling of urgency to keep abreast with Soviet space achievements that resulted in pitching many programs to the level of students with mathematical adeptness, neglecting the educational needs of others.

60. When it became necessary for Brother Hylton to work full-time, he obtained a job as an office clerk and later received a position as private accountant with the same company, without neglecting his theocratic activities.

61. But if you’ve been neglecting your outdoor space or simply have no idea how to decorate it, it’s time to make a change! With just a little effort, it’s possible to turn even the most basic of Balconies …

62. Neglecting all of the reactionary Bloviating from the far left - who don't seem to care whether we lose this war by walking away or not, it should be incumbent on the President to rethink and revise his plan amidst high public disapproval.

63. Kacha acknowledges the debt but she is not content with gratitude , and with subtle feminine suggestions forces him to admit that he loves her and recalls how he used to go out of his way , even neglecting his studies , to woo and win her .

64. MyBrosse was born from a simple observation: We women can spend an endless amount of time to get the desired hairstyle, especially after a shampoo! The idea was to find a way to reduce that time daily without neglecting the quality of the blow-dry obtained.

65. When we speak of 'The Necessity for De-Anglicising the Irish Nation', we mean it, not as a protest against imitating what is best in the English people, for that would be absurd, but rather to show the folly of neglecting what is Irish, and hastening to adopt, pell-mell, and indiscriminately, everything that is English, simply because it is English.

66. We have Animadverted upon the absence of water in La Mancha.: From Matthew's account we learn that the conduct of Christ's disciples in neglecting fasting was Animadverted on by the disciples of John the Baptist.: I said how much I enjoyed myself and I was sorry to have Animadverted on his character.: We have already Animadverted on the extraordinary eagerness of the first Roman to occupy Britain.

67. Any Superintendent or any member of the Force suspended or dismissed shall forthwith deliver up to the Commissioner or to a Superintendent or to any constable authorized to receive the same, his clothing, arms, accoutrements and all property of the Crown in his possession as a member of the Force, or used for police purposes ; or in case of his refusing or neglecting so to do, shall incur a penalty of fifty dollars.