Use "negative sign" in a sentence

1. 5 The coefficient is expected to take a negative sign.

2. Well, for starters, he forgot the negative sign on the exponent.

3. * A negative sign means that the actual primary balance reduces the debt quota in 1997.

4. In the case of electrons, the interfering Amplitudes for exchange interfere with a negative sign.

5. When calculating a price elAsticity, we drop the negative sign, so our final value is 3.636

6. Acoustic feedback is electrically compensated by connecting the path of propagation model (220) with a negative sign on the input of the adaptive regulator (210).

7. So, it's pretty straight forward to think about applying the negative sign to both the x and the 9 when we're talking abut subtracting expressions from one another, but what we're really doing here is using an example of a much broader property.