Use "negative feedback" in a sentence

1. Negative feedback loops can be periodic.

2. Spike Frequency Adaptation and Negative Feedback Linearization.

3. Was it due to the negative feedback?

4. The book has generated its share of negative feedback.

5. We need both positive and negative feedback from our customers.

6. Volatile stock market, getting negative feedback, it is also immediate.

7. He managed to develop stable negative feedback amplifiers in the 1930s.

8. They may be uncomfortable about providing negative feedback to the employees.

9. Without a negative feedback, personally think that they are purchasing bar!

10. But to be given negative feedback by a machine is an insult.

11. A negative feedback loop slows down a process, tending to promote stability.

12. Negative feedback by another person, although unpleasant, can be justified in certain circumstances.

13. Was there any negative feedback on your sex scenes or for playing a lesbian?

14. In addition, even if overall negative feedback is used, it has low overall distortion.

15. To survive, they learned to cope with the stresses associated with negative feedback and emotions.

16. Error message boxes are negative feedback[], telling the user that he has done something wrong.

17. Are they saying there's negative feedback effects that have to do with clouds that offset things?

18. Keep in mind that we are talking about the drawbacks of negative feedback from a computer.

19. The impact of this negative feedback effect is included in global climate models summarized by the IPCC.

20. Are they saying that there's negative feedback effects that have to do with clouds that offset things?

21. The negative feedback into the difference amplifier allows the amplifier to compare the input to the actual output.

22. Negative feedback inhibition would therefore explain the greater sensitivity of amylase secretion for the detection of pancreatic disease.

23. 10 Confirmatory negative feedback The ratings received from others are low , and the self - ratings also are low.

24. This form of game-playing begins with praise of a peer, and ends with negative feedback on that peer.

25. A depleted NMOS transistor, which was used as current source, and a negative feedback loop constitute a stable voltage reference.

26. There are conflicting reports as to whether negative feedback inhibition exists in humans and whether it is mediated by cholecystokinin.

27. The Mediating Role of Implicit Theory in Individual Aggression: Does Positive Self-Regard plus Negative Feedback Necessarily Lead to Violence?

28. Positive feedback enhances the initial release, but this is soon curtailed as the accumulation of calcium activates the negative feedback component.

29. After recent and continued negative feedback, we need to emphasize that this website is the one and only official Blue Iris website

30. Thus, with the help of Nyquist's theory, he managed to demonstrate a stable negative feedback amplifier which can be used in reality.

31. When someone describes the hole you just dug as Abysmal, you may not know whether to take it as positive or negative feedback

32. The Negative feedback amplifier allowed Bell system to reduce overcrowding of lines and extend its long-distance network by means of carrier telephony.

33. As gas pools, it turns into stars, whose outflows and explosions push material back out into intergalactic space—a process of negative feedback.

34. An increase in fuel temperature also raises U-238's thermal neutron absorption by Doppler broadening, providing negative feedback to help control the reactor.

35. Said negative feedback branch comprises two serially connected resistors, the common switching point of which is connected to the inverting input of the operational amplifier.

36. Like flhDC, umoA and umoD expression was subject to negative feedback in Aflagellar assembly mutant lacking the FlhA inner membrane component of the export machinery

37. Baroreceptors are strecth-sensitive mechanoreceptors, sited at the aortic arch and carotid sinus, which are used to regulate arterial blood pressure by a negative feedback loop

38. Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also chimed in on Monday, saying a weak dollar can create a "negative feedback loop" that spurs inflation and saps growth.

39. The way negative feedback is given is predominantly through negative assessments, which represent a socially problematic action according to research on ordinary talk-in-interaction (Pomerantz, 19.

40. Positive assessments by members of the Security Council and others of the adequacy and timeliness of the advice and materials provided, and an absence of negative feedback in that regard.

41. The ‘UK factor’, in the absence of political upheaval in Britain, will remain fully operative, provided negative feedback loops between the United States and the EU are kept under control.

42. 30 An ADC designed in accordance with the techniques described herein utilizes a quantizer that has a lower resolution than a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) used for negative feedback.

43. The trout resembles the eel in that the capacity to shallow water in the absence of postingestional negative feedback exceeds the rate of drinking required to maintain normal water balance.

44. The feedback network (40) presents an impedance matrix producing a negative feedback such that the transfer admittance matrix of the multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier approximates a given admittance matrix.

45. The negative feedback of ENSO is explained by the "Recharge-Discharge Oscillator" theory, in which the change of the equatorial Pacific Ocean heat content acts as an important transitioner for ENSO.

46. The athletes Coped by focusing their attention on the next task at hand, by becoming more psyched up and enthusiastic, and by realizing the coach's negative feedback is expected, understood, and even (at times) appreciated

47. The feedback network (40) presents, in a known frequency band, an impedance matrix producing a negative feedback such that the transfer admittance matrix of the multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier approximates a given admittance matrix.

48. It therefore blocks the binding of oestradiol and thus prevents negative feedback inhibition of FSH secretion; the action of Clomifene results in greater stimulation of ovarian follicles via increased FSH when a woman is being treated with Clomifene then

49. Description: Clomifene is a nonsteroidal compound that has both oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic effects.It stimulates ovulation by inhibiting the negative feedback effect of oestrogens at receptor sites in the hypothalamus and pituitary, thereby increasing hypothalamic GnRH secretion w/ subsequent release of pituitary FSH and LH.

50. The ACTH response decreased at day 135–140, perhaps reflecting negative feedback control by the rising basalcortisol concentrations; (iii) adrenal responsiveness increases progressively between days 110–115 and 135–140 of gestation, as reflected by changes in the plasmacortisol concentration in response to endogenously released ACTH.

51. The products of the Cytokinin-inducible A-type ARR4, ARR5, ARR6, and ARR7 genes inhibit transcription, which could mediate a negative feedback loop that controls the tran-sient induction of Cytokinin primary response genes and allows resetting and/or fine-tuning of the physiological state of the cells (Fig