Use "nazarene" in a sentence

1. Bohi/WRIGHT • NOV 22-24 • Church of the Nazarene, Wheatland, MO

2. F C McPeek is con• I ducting revival aer' ires at *h* Nazarene Church Young people of the Nazarene Church will meet at A 43 p m Sunday E' Angelicic- pre*

3. As always, there are those who Condescendingly regard the Black Nazarene devotion as an exaggerated display of religious fervor, bordering on fanaticism, …

4. One last case in point about “Bibliolatry” comes from Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho (NNU) where Dr

5. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene.” —Albert Einstein, German-born scientist.

6. Alleluiah!'” [Hymn 29 in Nazarene Hymnal, which I like to sing to Finlandia, returning to the Alleluiahs of 29 for the end.] Dave Watkeys

7. When accosted by a crippled beggar, for example, Peter said to the man: “Silver and gold I do not possess, but what I do have is what I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!”

8. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of Amorphis, Impaled Nazarene, and Sentenced, to name but a few, Finland became a surprising hotbed of heavy metal talent during the late '90s, and symphonic black metal act Catamenia certainly ranks among the most consistent -- if not commercially successful -- of these

9. Catamenia, Category: Artist, Albums: The Rewritten Chapters, The Rewritten Chapters, Cavalcade, The Time Unchained, Location: COLD, Top Tracks: Blood Trails, Coldbound, Verikansa, Kuolon Tanssi, Cavalcade, Biography: Thanks to the pioneering efforts of Amorphis, Impaled Nazarene, and Sentenced, to name but a few, Finland became a surprising hotbed of heavy metal talent during the late '90s