Use "navy yard" in a sentence

1. On 20 September 1929 entered the Philadelphia Navy Yard for inactivation.

2. She then entered the Norfolk Navy Yard for repairs on 21 March 1942.

3. On 21 May 1946, Semmes again entered the Philadelphia Navy Yard for inactivation.

4. She was berthed in the Philadelphia Navy Yard until the autumn of 1939.

5. She returned to the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York City, for post-shakedown overhaul.

6. Her home yard was changed from Boston to Norfolk Navy Yard in June 1925.

7. It was erected in 1884 by the Marine Guard of the Pensacola Navy Yard.

8. Pulled into New York Navy Yard 5 April, Mayo required 4 months for repairs.

9. Stack was detached and proceeded to the Philadelphia Navy Yard, where her damage was repaired.

10. Worden subsequently returned to the Washington Navy Yard where her guns were disassembled for alterations.

11. Former Maydan Chefs’ New Caribbean Restaurant Bammy’s Is Ready To Take Orders in Navy Yard

12. Arriving at Philadelphia Navy Yard in June, she was placed out of commission 11 August 1922.

13. She entered Mare Island Navy Yard 17 August for repairs and overhaul and assumed a reserve status.

14. While the battery was destroyed, the Filipino forces still held the navy yard as well as Olongapo.

15. She spent the period from 18 November 1923 to 3 January 1924 in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

16. Birmingham retired to Mare Island Navy Yard for repairs which lasted from November 1944 to January 1945.

17. On 17 July 1929, Melvin entered the Navy yard at Mare Island, San Francisco, to begin inactivation.

18. Manley was outfitted as a high-speed transport in the New York Navy Yard by 7 February 1939.

19. Stribling entered the Portsmouth Navy Yard for overhaul and repairs before being placed in reduced commission at Philadelphia.

20. Somers was overhauled at the Brooklyn Navy Yard until 8 November, then moved to Casco Bay, Maine, for training.

21. Navy’s new battle cruiser, the Maine, was Christened at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in 1890, enormous crowds turned out

22. Rear Admiral Sakonjo transferred to Kinu, which towed Aoba to the Cavite Navy Yard near Manila for emergency repairs.

23. On 11 June she was towed to Mare Island Navy Yard where she was used as a barracks ship.

24. Following short stops at Samoa and Pearl Harbor, the ship arrived at Mare Island Navy Yard on 3 March 1943.

25. Two days later, the carrier moored at the Norfolk Navy Yard to commence an overhaul that would last into 1942.

26. Reaching NOB, Norfolk, on 19 July, Anderson shifted to the Norfolk Navy Yard that same day to take on board ammunition.

27. Birmingham retired to Mare Island Navy Yard for repairs which lasted until 18 February 1944, when she rejoined the Pacific Fleet.

28. USS Missouri, a 45,000 ton Iowa class Battleship built by the New York Navy Yard, was commissioned on 11 June 1944

29. After exercises and reserve training cruises on the east coast, she entered the Norfolk Navy Yard on 22 July for overhaul.

30. It was converted to a Breechloader at Washington Navy Yard in June 1880, reducing its weight from 5,400 to 5,242 pounds

31. She entered Boston Navy Yard on 25 November for upkeep, and was in repair status there when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

32. After temporary duty with Destroyer Squadron (DesRon) 82, she helped to escort Maryland into the Puget Sound Navy Yard on 30 December.

33. Sailing for the east coast on 6 October, she reached the Charleston Navy Yard on 8 October to prepare for her next operation.

34. "Lincoln personally escorted Scott to the Navy Yard, and provided a mortician, casket, and Navy guard" to help retrieve Mrs. Scott's remains, said Milligan.

35. The destroyer participated in a Presidential fleet review on 27 October and entered the New York Navy Yard on 15 November to prepare for inactivation.

36. Quincy returned to the Boston Navy Yard on 5 October for refit preparatory to final acceptance trials which were held from 15–18 March 1937.

37. Gwin completed shakedown training on 20 April 1941 and underwent final alterations in the Boston Navy Yard before conducting a neutrality patrol throughout the Caribbean Sea.

38. She operated off the West Coast for the remainder of 1937 and returned to Pearl Harbor in January 1938 for an overhaul in the navy yard there.

39. In Cavite Navy Yard, Parrott spent the first two months of 1941 having anti-mine and sound detection gear installed, after which, she trained with destroyers and submarines.

40. After stops at Pearl Harbor, Midway, and Guam, Waters steamed into Manila Bay on 24 August and reported for duty with the Asiatic Fleet at the Cavite Navy Yard.

41. After extended overhaul at Mare Island Navy Yard, she returned to San Diego 26 June 1921 and began operating from that port 21 October with 50 percent of her complement.

42. With the exception of the period from 11 May to 15 December 1963, which she spent in overhaul at Brooklyn Navy Yard, Springfield cruised continuously with the 6th Fleet until 1967.

43. Departing Guantánamo on the latter day, the Tuscaloosa returned to Norfolk on 29 January and entered the navy yard there for special alterations to fit her out for service as Presidential flagship.

44. The Bullpen Its prime location, only steps outside of Nats Park in Navy Yard, makes it the most sought-after attraction for thousands of fans before, during, and after home games and special events

45. We have plenty of drivers to get our food delivery orders out on time—so your food from Busboys and Poets in Washington Navy Yard, DC always arrives fresh, delicious, and served at the correct temperature.

46. After fitting out, Atlanta conducted shakedown training until 13 March 1942, first in Chesapeake Bay and then in Maine's Casco Bay, after which she returned to the New York Navy Yard for post-shakedown repairs and alterations.

47. She arrived at Apra Harbor on 17 December but soon pressed onward and completed the last leg of her voyage to the Philippines when she anchored in Cañacao Bay, off the Cavite Navy Yard, on 22 December 1940.

48. Students can learn more about the history of the area and its importance to the nation by taking a tour on the Freedom Trail that runs from Boston Common to the USS Constitution, docked in the Charlestown Navy Yard

49. Japanese confidence in their ability to achieve a short, victorious war also meant other targets in the harbor, especially the navy yard, oil tank farms, and submarine base, were ignored, since—by their thinking—the war would be over before the influence of these facilities would be felt.

50. The second Amphitrite, an iron-hulled, twin-screw coastal defense monitor, was laid down in 1874 at Wilmington, Del., by the Harlan and Hollingsworth yard; launched on 7 June 1883; sponsored by Miss Nellie Benson, the daughter of a Harlan and Hollingsworth official; and commissioned at the Norfolk Navy Yard

51. In easy hours, their talk ran from the Tatar Wall beyond Peking to the Southern Islands, down under Manila; from Portsmouth Navy Yard - New Hampshire and very cold - to obscure Bushwhackings in the West Indies, where Cacao Chiefs, whimsically sanguinary barefoot generals with names like Charlemagne and Christophe, waged war according to the

52. In easy hours their talk ran from the Tartar Wall beyond Pekin to the Southern Islands, down under Manila; from Portsmouth Navy Yard—New Hampshire and very cold—to obscure Bushwhackings in the West Indies, where Cacao chiefs, whimsically sanguinary, barefoot generals with names like Charlemagne and Christophe, waged war according to the

53. In easy hours their talk ran from the Tartar Wall beyond Pekin to the Southern Islands, down under Manila; from Portsmouth Navy Yard—New Hampshire and very cold—to obscure Bushwhackings in the West Indies, where Cacao chiefs, whimsically sanguinary, barefoot generals with names like Charlemagne and Christophe, waged war according to the